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Fanfic: An Endless Supply of Rubies Ch 37, Tudors | FanFiction

A/N: In real life, Henry Howard was the oldest son of Thomas Howard, the Duke of Norfolk. He was the first cousin of both Anne Boleyn, through his aunt, Elizabeth Howard, and Catherine Howard, through his uncle, Edmund Howard. Henry was born in 1517, which would make him the same age as Amelia, even though the show portrays him as being much older. Henry married Frances de Vere and had five children.

Charles II de Valois was the Duke of Orléans and the third son of King Francis I and Queen Claude of France. He was born on 22 January 1522. Historical accounts tell us that Charles was blind in one eye, extravagant, frivolous, and a wild and practical joker. He was much more popular at court than his older brother, Henry, who went on to become King. Charles was unmarried and died in 1545, most likely from the plague.

"And what if I refuse, father?" Charles told his father, a hint of defiance in his voice.

Francis sighed, and looked down at his youngest son, then to his wife who sat next to him, and then back at his son. "Really?" he asked. "Why would you do that? The Lady Elizabeth is a beautiful girl who will surely only get more beautiful once she is of age."

"So you want us to wed as soon as she is twelve years of age?" Charles asked with disgust. "She would only be a child!"

Francis sighed once again. "King Henry would not allow his daughter to be married before she was at least sixteen years of age," he responded. "All I ask is that you frame your mind towards an English match with the Lady Elizabeth, at least while we are still at war with the Emperor."

10 June 1541

Mary's biggest dream had finally come true. It was amazing to think that last year, she had believed that there was no hope for herself, that she would grow to be an old spinster and maid, but here she was, holding a baby in her arms.

Of course, the moment was not exactly perfect. Mary still felt fear weigh on her heart. The baby that she held was a baby girl, not the male heir that she thought her husband would be looking for. Philip, of course, had assured her time and time again that he was not angry or upset with her. How could he be upset with a baby that had her mother's eyes?

But Mary still felt fear. More than once, she had watched her father cast aside a wife because she could not produce a male heir. One such wife had been her own mother. Catherine had had horrible luck. Only Mary and Amelia had survived to adulthood. Catherine had had sons, but none of them had survived to see their first birthday. What if Mary had inherited her mother's luck?

Both Philip and Amelia, by the letter she had sent her sister, told Mary that she wouldn't have the same luck that her mother did, but Mary still couldn't find herself believing it.

They eventually decided to name their daughter Margaret, after Philip's grandmother, hoping that their luck would track with Philip's family, not Mary's.

20 July 1541

"Do you know who died here, in this castle?" Henry Howard, the Earl of Surrey, asked, turning to speak to Charles.

Charles turned his attention from the boisterous young men at the end of the table to the man sitting next to him. "Plenty, I suspect," he replied, not entirely interested in hearing what the Earl had to say.

"No, important men," Henry clarified.

"No," said Charles. He didn't care much for the Earl, who believed that those who were born noble should be the only ones given titles of nobility. Charles himself was a descendant of commoners.

"Richard II died here after he was deposed," Henry informed him. "He was thirty-three years of age. They kept him here as a prisoner. They starved him to death."

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