Ready for a Bride!

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Some of you may not know it, but living dummies have feelings too!... We want to love and feel loved by that one Special Person, just like everyone else does.  There just comes a moment in your life when you feel ready for that. And this moment came for me. So some time after shooting the last Goosebumps tv episode I starred in - entitled 'Bride Of The Living Dummy' I realized that I am ready to settle down and to really find My Bride! Yes, I was ready for love at last so I was trying to find a nice girl I could fall in love with & who would love me back...

It wasn't easy at first because most girls who knew me only from 'Nights of the Living Dummy' were afraid of me because they thought I was evil and scary - but when they knew me better they quickly found out that I am not as bad as the Goosebumps character I played and I really am a gentleman - so they stopped being scared of me. 

I can be really kind, charming & funny if I want to and I always try to treat ladies well, so I quickly made many female friends who really liked me. They wanted to talk to me about almost everything because I was a good listener & I could give them good advice if they asked. They all were also laughing at my jokes, and I was glad that I had them all, but I wanted something more... 

I was still looking for someone special, for a girl I could be 'more than just a friend for', for The Lady of My Heart!...

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