Much more than a Fangirl to me

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I chose that header picture on purpose because My First True Love liked wearing strapless dresses like this. She felt most comfortable in them. And those butterflies in the picture also mean something - beacuse Mallory was the First Person Ever who made me feel 'Butterflies in my stomach'. Really! :) . If you haven't felt that yet - it means that you have never loved as much as I did!

When I met her she was a high school student a few weeks before her prom ( she showed me the dress she chose for her prom. It was dark pink and sleeveless and she looked wonderful in it! ). I've always wanted to have an intelligent girlfriend and I had reasons to be proud of her because she was a really good student with very high grades. And she had many interests: except listening to music (pop & Celtic music were her favourite) she liked to watch good movies (some comedies, Disney Pixar & horror movies), she loved to read books (not only 'Goosebumps' ;) ) and she was also inventing her own stories and writing them online (one of her stories had over 4 thousand reads! Cause she was very imaginative). She was collecting everything connected with 'Goosebumps' series. And she showed me some of her 'Goosebumps' books and T-shirts. 

She also was singing in her school choir. Of course I didn't know that yet when we first met, but I can still remember that when I first saw her & we started to talk I asked her 'Can you sing?'. She smiled at me and answered 'Yes. I love to sing! - How did you know that?'. I answered 'I don't know. I just guessed' and smiled back at her. But it was something more than 'just a guess'. I could 'feel it somehow'. I couldn't explain how but 'I just knew it'. - And I was Right! 

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