She wanted to be a Bride of the Living Dummy!

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Yes, at liest at the beginning everyting seemed that Mallory wanted to be My Bride!... She started to ask me 'When I will propose to her?' about 2 weeks after we met... Yes! We knew each other since Just Two Weeks and she was already thinking of it! - Quite early for such a serious decision, isn't it? I also thought so... But on the other hand it was making me feel Proud & Happy. She knew me since just 2 weeks and already wanted to Marry Me! :) So I thought that she must have loved me really much! ^_^

But I've never had a girlfriend before, she was my first girlfriend and My First True Love - so I wanted to enjoy being her boyfriend, spending time with her and knowing her better first (& thanks God that I didn't hurry with our wedding too much - at liest I didn't have to divorce. I'll tell you later what went wrong). 

At first Everything was Perfect! - I felt as if we were living In a Dream! I loved my first girlfriend and she loved me and we were showing it to each other in all the possible ways, even the smallest nice gestures that mean so much when they are made by your loved one. We were so close to each other that we could often 'feel what the other one was thinking'. And we could understand each other without words - but still we could talk All Day Long if only we had enough time for that. I thought she would be a good Future Wife for me cause she was so kind and understanding, appriciating everything I was doing for her and I could really feel that she loved me. There's no need to describe this feeling. If You really love someone and this person loves you back - you just Know It cause you can feel it! And she really made me feel this way for a few weeks! We truly loved each other, understood each other  and trusted each other - and these were the only things that counted for me. Nothing else mattered. My life was Happy & Beautiful then! And I thought it would always be like that. 

We were supporting each other in everything, and she was so caring & sweet to me! She even could do a great back massage when I was tired - I always felt better instantly after it thanks to the tender touch of her hands and as an aspiring nurse, she was taking such a good care of me when I was ill that I got well twice as fast! :) . I felt as if were Made For Each Other and we were planning our Bright Future Together. We agreed that we would be a boyfriend and a girlfriend for a year - and then I was to propose to her... Unfortunately I didn't, cause our relationship didn't last that long... The first serious problems appeared much earlier than that, and then it was only getting worse and worse :( 

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