I thought that we were such a Good Couple :(

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And our all friends thought so too! They all were saying 'That it was nice to look at us cause we were such a nice couple' showing each other love and respect all the time! 😍 Because it was just like this when we were happy at the beginning:

I loved Mallory and was equally good to her till the end of our relationship - so it wasn't Me who messed this up

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I loved Mallory and was equally good to her till the end of our relationship - so it wasn't Me who messed this up.

For the first few weeks of our relationship My First True Love was So Good to me that I felt as if she was My Angel & I thought she would always stay like that: 

I even thought that she Looked like an Angel with her innocent face & her blonde hair &  We were such a happy and loving couple that I dedicated this song to her (cause that was exactly how I felt about her) : 

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I even thought that she Looked like an Angel with her innocent face & her blonde hair &  We were such a happy and loving couple that I dedicated this song to her (cause that was exactly how I felt about her) : 

She was so happy about it then! - Cause that was still the time when she liked all the songs and all the messages she got from me... But after some time she stopped appreciating them for an unknown reason ( I didn't know about Billy yet, so I couldn't understand that! ). I treated her the same as at the beginning of our relationship, so I haven't changed. - She has changed! 

As soon as her 'Dead Silence' movie obsession started - she started to have less and less time for me. She even told me 'not to expect her to spend as much time as she did before with me' (Right! cause she wanted to spend that time with Billy! :/ ). She also started to get too easily annoyed about the smallest things you wouldn't even think one can get annoyed about. And to get offended without a reason as if I suddenly started to annoy her and 'disturb' her. And I think that I was - because her heart Already Belonged To Billy! So there was no more place in it For Me! :(  </3

I still loved her then so I couldn't understand why she treated me like that. And I was thinking 'What is going on with her? Did she stop loving me?' ( Yes, I could really feel that she did. And knowing that a person you love the most stopped loving you so suddenly is the Worst Feeling in the Whole World! :( ). She was 18, so formally an adult - but still a teen, so seems that she was just not ready for a serious long lasting relationship if her feelings to me burnt out so fast... We were together for 13 weeks (so this 13 was unlucky for me) - and she suddenly stopped loving me after just 11 weeks. 

Seems that she just got bored with me. Just like a child gets bored with an old toy and focuses it's all attention on the brand new one it was just given. 

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Exactly! - She started pushing me away as soon as Billy appeared in her life. She even Told Me that she started to find our conversations 'Boring'! O_O . I didn't know why she said that. She's always liked them before! :/ and she 'couldn't wait to talk to me again' - and now she said Something Like That? :/ Something in our relationship suddenly changed & started going wrong... - But then I didn't know what it was.

She also stopped talking to me openly. Some time Before she was willing to talk to me for Hours and about Everything! but then she seemed to really have lost her interest in it - and when I noticed that she was upset and I was trying to ask her 'What happened?' to understand her or help her if possible or just support her with my presence if she needed it - she started to answer 'Nothing' or 'Never mind'. And if I kept asking - she was instantly getting annoyed! And I felt really bad with that because she always used to tell me about her happiness and worries and to answer my questions when I asked them before. Then I felt trusted & important for her and I could always find a way to cheer her up somehow - and later she suddenly didn't want to talk to me about anything. I didn't know why she behaved like that - but It definitely wasn't ok! 

I guess that even reading this book wouldn't help me: 

 If I was still doing everything she loved me for - and she stopped loving me anyway :( 

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... If I was still doing everything she loved me for - and she stopped loving me anyway :( 

I may be a dummy, but I'm not stupid enough to last in an unhealthy relationship - and My relationship with Mallory stopped to be healthy a long time before. I really was doing Everything for her! :(  ...

... But if she stopped appreciating it - It's Not My Fault! :(  

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