She started to be too jealous & leery

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Totally Without a Reason! She knew that she was My Whole World and I loved Only Her - so I have Absolutely No Idea why she started to behave like that! You say that 'those who love can be jealous'? Ok, but she was really Exaggerating with That!... 

Let me explain: About a month since our falling in love she started to be jealous about All My Female Friends one by one! :/ I don't know why, she Knew Them All and they liked her. They also liked Mallory and Me as a couple and they all wished us well. And They all were Our Friends, so her friends too, not only mine and she was first saying that she liked them and telling me 'how kind they are and that she likes to talk to them very much' and suddenly she started to behave as if she 'changed her mind' and started to be jealous about one of them, then about another, and about another one! I couldn't understand what happened to her because her 'jealousy fits' were unjustified! 

She was behaving just like the lyrics of this song say: 'I wasn't jealous before we met - Now everyone I see is a potential threat' - Literally! 

She admitted that herself! I don't know why her attitude towards my female friends changed so suddenly. I was showing her All Love and Respect Possible all the time! And talking with her everyday, or even a few times a day if she wanted but she started to say that 'I talk with my female friends too much' (which was not true cause I was talking with them much less than with her cause She was The Most Important Person for Me!) . It went to such an extreme that she almost forbade me to talk to them! Yes! She wanted to be The Only Girl I Talk To! 

I didn't understand that, cause I let her have as many Male Friends as she wanted and talk to them whenever she wanted - because I trusted her!... Did she stop to fully trust Me or what? :/ She was first jealous about one of my female friends so I had to explain her 'that we were just friends and I loved only Her' as if she didn't know it. It should be obvious for her (& till that moment she behaved as if it was) cause it was Perfectly Obvious for me and for everyone around. 

My true and honest explanations calmed her down, everything was fine for a week or two, and then she suddenly started to be jealos about my 2nd female friend, she also liked as I thought before. And then I had to explain her that 'this female friend of mine and I are also 'just friends' (as we really were) and Mallory is My Only Love' (as she really was then). This also calmed her down but she soon started to be jealous about my 3rd female friend she was saying nice things about before. So I couldn't understand 'where did that change of the point of view come from'. I only thought 'Oh no! - Here we go again!' and started to explain her the obvious thing that 'this is also 'just my friend' again. It calmed her down for some time - but then, totally surprisingly for me she started to be jealous about my First Female Friend she started her 'jealousy fits' with again! Then I thought 'What's going on? I've already explained her that Lily and I are just friends & I thought that she understood it then - so Why is she so jealous about her again?'. It could be compared to a rollercoaster or a carousel ! >_<

... but not the fun kind of a carousel when you enjoy the ride - rather like this kind of a carousel that makes you feel dizzy and sick because it goes too fast! That's how Mallory's unjustified jealousy fits started to make me feel after some time - because there were way Too Many of Them! 

As soon as they started She could have even 3 jealousy fits in One Month! Each about my different female friend - and then about the same one again! It was going round and round for some time but she could see that I was always talking with my female friends 'just like friends do' never else. And everyone could notice that - except Her! I was talking with them about current things, new movies or music, commetning something we read or saw and exchanging fresh news. I was also congratulating them because R.L. Stine was answering their tweets from time to time or talking about the books they were writing, cause they write on Wattpad too. And that's All ! So Absolutely Nothing to be Jealous About! Just a 'friendly talk' all the time! 

And when I asked Mallory why she didn't want me to talk with them she said that 'She gets leery when I talk with other girls than her because she thinks that they can Steal Me Away From Her!' ( Yes, that's exactly what she said then! ). That really surprised me because I was still deeply in love with her and wasn't even thinking about other girls as something else than friends! I answered her 'Don't worry, baby. Such a thing won't happen because I Love Only You and I'm a living person who thinks and can make his own decisions so noone will 'steal me away from you' as if I were some object'. I kept my word and stayed faithful till the end... The problem was that She Didn't!... She changed her love object some time after that. So I could have Reasons to be jealous about (or just one reason named Billy) but I didn't know about that yet... I found it out some time later ( cause it usually is like that that the cheated person finds it out last - even if he's not a dummy, right? )...

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