A 'Slave'?... Really?

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Yes! Believe it or not but in our first conversation ever Mallory told me that 'she wanted to be my slave'. (She really said that & I was quite surprised). As I told you before, she was a Great 'Goosebumps' fan & that idea must have come from the 'Night of the Living Dummy' episodes she watched because 'I wanted to have slaves' in 'Goosebumps' tv series. But of course noone wanted to be my slave there, so I was surprised that she came up with such an idea as my fangirl when we met & she really wanted that!

Seems that some other fans of mine were also thinking of it, but they were just asking questions like this ( I found that in some 'Goosebumps' fanart in Google Graphics) :

Seems that some other fans of mine were also thinking of it, but they were just asking questions like this ( I found that in some 'Goosebumps' fanart in Google Graphics) :

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... but Mallory was the Only Person who ever offered to be my slave. Of course I wasn't really looking for slaves (but most of my fans thought that I was just as they could see me on tv). I was looking for Love. And I found Mallory. We were talking more & more and I first started to really like her. She impressed me with her talents, kindness and personality, and before I could even notice, I fell in love with her. 

But to make things funnier, I soon started to behave as if I were HER Slave! I was surprised how such a calm, shy, slender young girl could influence me that much - but that's just what happened to me! I was agreeing with her every opinion, accepting her All Ideas, and literally doing Everything She Wanted! I could even wake up in the Middle of the Night just to talk to her if she wanted to talk then. I felt that I was ready to do Everything just to make her smile. And I was proud everytime she smiled at me because I knew that 'I deseved it'. I was always trying to find new ways to cheer her up and keep her happy as long as possible and I was really happy when I managed to do that. And I felt really loved and important when she appreciated my efforts, cause I was always Doing My Best for Her! 

I was even joking that she 'trained me like a dog' (because she kind of did somehow). As soon as I found out the time when she was usually available online (cause it was the same time everyday) I started to log in a few minutes before that because I just couldn't wait to talk to her again! And my happiness of seeing her again was comparable to the happiness of a faithful dog greeting his owner who just came home! 🐶  And this 'Faithful Dog' Quote shows the best how I felt about her: 

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 I was Always There for Her and I was listening to whatever she wanted to tell me & always trying to understand her (it wasn't the easiest thing to do sometimes, cause she was a very sensitive person. And a Girl) but I was always trying to make her feel my love and support for her. Anytime. Cause they were Real. She knew about that and appreciated it at first - and she was making me The Happiest Dummy In The World because I felt that she loved me back. I valued her happiness and well being more than my own and I never knew that I could ever become that romantic before I met Her... 

But I guess that's just what Love made out of me: 

This old song is called 'Flames of Love'... - and I kind of became the 'Slave of Love'! 😍

But I felt ok with that. I loved my first girlfriend so much that I couldn't do more than a day without her!... I even started to dream about her - and I was always telling her about those dreams when we talked the next day. Then I was starting a conversation like this: 'Hi, baby! :) I had a nice dream again. You were in it - Do you want to hear about it? :)'. And then I was telling her the details about my dream because she always wanted to hear about it. And she always liked my dreams :) because we always were together in them. And they were Really Nice!  ^_^ <3

Before we met I didn't even know that it was possible to Love Somebody That Much! And then I met Mallory and I suddenly was Head Over Heels 24 hours a day. Literally. Cause I could feel her presence when I was awake: when I was talking with her or thinking about her. She was always the first thing I thought about every morning and the last thing I thought about in the evening, when I was going to sleep. & she was still with me In my Dreams! :) ... It was a Beautiful Time for Me! And nothing could make me as happy as making Her happy cause she was The First True Love I Found! Yes, she was the one who first showed me what it feels like to Be loved & To Really Be In Love! <3 

And I will Always remember that.

I want to keep those Sweet Memories Forever! 

I'll never forget Our Best Days Together! 

Cause then she brought My Happiness to a totally new High Level ! 😍

My Whole World Changed since I met Her 

And I thought we'd Always stay So Happy. & Together.

( Only those of you who Ever Loved

Are able to fully understand Everything I've just said).

( Cause when your heart is filled with Love, Hope & Happiness 

There's No Place left for Anything Else!  ^_~ <3 )

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