Heartbroken dummies suffer like Humans! </3

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Only those of you who have ever been heartbroken can fully understand what I will write here: My break up with Mallory was like The End of the World for Me! :(  I knew that My First True Love didn't love me anymore that's why our relationship couldn't last any longer so ending it and breaking up was the only possible solution... But if your body and mind gets used to being in a relationship - it takes some time to switch into 'single again mode'. 

She not only broke my heart... 💔

Cause then I felt as if I were falling Totally Apart! :( 

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The strange thing is that: My mind already knew that 'It Was Over' & there was no coming back!...

But my body was still giving symptoms as if I were Missing Her! :'( 

And it was behaving just as it used to when we were still a Happy Couple and I was missing her when we couldn't talk for just One Day! :( 

So I lost my apetite and had some sleeping problems as well - but then I knew that I had to deal with it myself - because we wouldn't meet and 'talk happily' again.

When Mallory & I were a Good and Loving Couple I started to treat her as if she was a part of me, a very important part of my soul - so now, after our break up I felt As if Someone Ripped A Piece Of My Soul Out Of Me! 😞

Just like this: 

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I've never suffered that much before! :'(  ... - And it was The Most Horrible Feeling In The World! :( 

Luckily I still had My Friends & Family! - & They were All Supporting Me in this Hardest Time of MY LIFE! :(

When I told my family that I broke up with Mallory, they were Truly Surprised! :/  

My mother said 'That is Impossible! - You Loved Her SO MUCH!' 

I answered 'Yes, I did - but She stopped loving Me! She fell in love with Someone Else! :'( ' 

My father said 'That's really bad! - We all Liked her, & we already treated her like a member of our family because we thought that she loved You! - And None of us would even think that she could Ever Treat You Like That! You were So Good to Her!'.

I answered 'Yes, I was always doing My Best - but she soon stopped appreciating it & suddenly changed her Love Interest! :( ' 

My grandma said 'We are So Sorry, Dear!' and My grandpa told me 'Don't worry, Kid! - You will soon find yourself a new girlfriend who Will appreciate everything you do for her, I'm sure about that'. 

I answered 'Thanks, grandpa - but I am not thinking about it now, I must recover from break up first'. They all told me 'Of course We Understand' and started to visit or invite me more often than usual to spend some time with me & cheer me up. They really care for me and I am Grateful For Having Such a Wonderful Family!  ^_^ 

I'm also grateful for having Such Wonderful Friends! :) cause they all stayed beside me and talked to me even more than usual whenever I needed it. My All Female Friends were especially helpful cause they were so patient & understanding and they encouraged me to say how I felt then. ( It's really better than keeping your feelings inside and suffering because of that - so now I can recommend it to everyone: If you feel bad or hurt: Talk About It - It really Helps!  ^_^ )

I  asked my Female friends 'What I did wrong?' cause they were girls so maybe they would notice something I missed - and they all assured me 'Nothing! You were a Good Boyfriend To Her! So we have No Idea Why Mallory Treated You Like That!'. All of them agreed about it cause they could see how much I loved her when we were together - & they all knew that it was Her who Stopped Loving ME! :/ They all were sorry for me!... - And two of them who were single told me that if Mallory chose Billy & we broke up - they could take her place in my heart. Each of them said that 'She could be my new girlfriend if I wanted'. They said it independently, one after another when I was talking with them. I thanked them both for appreciating me - but I refused, because they were 'just' My Friends. I didn't love any of them... - But they were Best Friends I Could Ever Have!  ^_^  & I didn't want to change that.

( You see, Mallory? - You really had No Reason to be Jealous About Our Female Friends! - I didn't choose any of Them even After Breaking Up With You! )

( ... And here's a song I could dedicate you, cause that's exactly how I felt after our break up: 'From The Bottom Of My Broken Heart' 💔 ) :

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