Chapter 4

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   I sat up in my bed with a tired yawn. Classes started today so I wasn't going to be able to target Leila and Brea like I wanted to. However, I knew I had a few classes with Leila so I could at least ruin some of these her day. I wasn't looking forward to my classes with Jackson or Jungkook. They had been acting odd and kind of annoying.
     I swung my legs off the bed and stood up. Head girl Sunny was fast asleep still and so was Elena. I picked the pillow up from next to her smacked her in the face a couple times.
     She groaned sleepily so I yelled to encourage her," hey, get up!"
     Sunny sat up in her bed," Alice, don't be so noisy."
      I turned to her," Sunny we have class today."
      She threw her blankets to her feet," don't remind me."
      She stood up and marched off to get changed. I finally just dragged Elena out of bed and got ready myself. She was still getting dressed when I entered the common room so I left her behind.
I yawned and curled up in a ball on the couch between Wonwoo and Wei. I laid my head on Wei's shoulder and Wonwoo rubbed my calf that I set on him.
Wei chuckled lightly," does being evil tire you out?"
I shake my head," school tires me out. Being evil isn't hard, Wei."
Wonwoo laughed quietly," it's hard to imagine you being mean. Though, I have seen proof."
I sat and pouted," too bad people already know that I'm evil. It's kind of sad. I can fake the innocent crap, but people are aware that I'm not now. Teachers aren't though."
I looked up as the boys dorm's door swung open. I watched as Jackson and Jungkook walked out shirtless.
I groaned," put a shirt on."
Jackson smirked," why? Don't like the view?"
I shook my head," not from you."
He laughed," ok, then who would you be ok with seeing shirtless."
I looked and grinned, happy with my decision," Wei and Wonwoo."
Jackson glared," what?"
The simultaneous 'what' also came from Wei and Wonwoo.
I nodded," I mean you can't think that these two cutest don't have nice bodies."
Wonwoo looked over at me," cuties?"
Wei laughed," well, Wonwoo-"
Wonwoo's glare cut Wei off. He rubbed his head and stayed quiet.
I frowned at Wonwoo," that's not fair. Do you have a nice body?"
He shrugged," I don't know."
The school bell went off signally the rush to class.
I groaned," Jackson, Hansol, us and Elena have first period together so let's get going."
Elena rushed out of the dorm and grabbed my hand," come on Alice, come on you two."
We all walked to Charms class together and when we entered and we told to pick seats, we all sat together. Hansol and Jackson sat in front of Elena and I.
The Charms teacher walked in after a moment," hello everyone, I'm Professor Park. Bom Park, if you like."
She was a short woman with long flared eyelashes and thin lips. She was pain and thin. She had long black hair and smiled in a sweet yet condescending manner.
Professor Bom tapped her fingers together," so, let's start with something else. Ah ha! I know!"
She turned to face the board and scribbled something on it. When she turned around 'Ascendio' was spelled out in neat, womanly writing.
She grinned," now, let's begin. Ascendio is a charm to levitate the caster or if you're underwater, it'll push you to the surface. It's a very useful charm. So, split into pairs and try it."
I grabbed Elena and pulled her to the back," ok, let's do this."
I pulled out my wand and grinned," Ascendio."
I smiled as my body lifted slowly until my toes let go of the floor. I stayed in the air hovering. I was happy when Elena's charm worked and she floated up to me. She caught on quickly, but she had a wand core that picked spells and charms up easily. She was lucky on that.
     Professor Bom tapped on the board," ok, now come down. Descendo."
      I smiled and held up my wand," Descendo-"
      The second I said the word, my body dropped. I was so close to the ceiling and now, I was preparing to slam into the ground. I closed my eyes as I fell, but the landing wasn't hard at all. It wasn't the floor I had landed on.
     I opened my eyes to see Jackson's large brown eyes in front of me," o-oh."
     He didn't se me down. He just.... Stared. Into my eyes. At my face. It was almost kind of sweet. Until someone casted a spell directed at me.
     Jackson pulled his wand up before I knew what was happening," Finite Incantatum."
     The flames before my dissipated and all that stood before my was Leila with a raised wand.
     Jackson set me down gently before turning his wand to her," what were you thinking? Not only did you cast that spell at me, but at Alice! You could've caught the room on fire! How idiotic are you to think that what you did was smart?"
     I put my hand on Jackson to silence him," Leila... If you want a fight, I'm happy to oblige. But, fair warning, I will destroy you."
   Her nervous look turned to something else. Something more confident. Almost as if, she thought she could win.
    She nodded," your own. Let's go."
    Professor Bom took outside for a spell battle. She would stop it if it got too serious, but other than that, she wouldn't step in. A couple other classes gathered in their windows to watch.
    I spun my wand," go ahead then."
    Leila lifted her wand," Alarte Ascendare."
I acted quickly and waved my wand," Arresto Momentum."
I flew backwards but was able to slow myself down before going on the offensive," Baubillious!"
Leila didn't think at all. The bolt struck her dead on. Professor Bom didn't act quickly enough. I dropped my arm to my side and walked towards her. She was unconscious, but alive. She wasn't injured either.
I glared at her," how pathetic. You take me on and you can't even defend yourself."
Elena grabbed my arm," I think she's had enough. Let's go."
Professor Bom sent a second-year boy named Jimin to take Leila to the Hospital Wing.
Bom tapped my shoulder as I was grabbed my stuff," Alice, can we speak?"
I nod and set my stuff down," sure. What do you need?"
Her face watches me," where did you learn those spells?"
I shrug," I'm a pure-blood. My mom is actually Madison Crane."
Her jaw dropped instantly," Madison Crane? As in the American Minister of Magic?"
     I nod again," yeah, that's her."
     Professor Bom smiled excitedly," I knew she had kids, but I had never expected one to be here. You have two brothers right?"
    "Yeah, Adriel and Ezra. Why?" I asked.
     She grabs my shoulder lightly," your mom refused to let your brothers go here. She taught them on her own. Why would you be here then?"
I shrug," my mom is busy working. With my brothers, her job wasn't as serious then. Now she has no time."
    She nodded solemnly," I see. At least I get to teach you. Besides, Ezra would be graduating this year, huh?"
    I nod," he said if he were here, he'd be Slytherin's head boy."
    She chuckled," how sweet. And uh, Adriel. How's he?"
    I looked at her sideways," don't act that way Professor Bom. I know that you and Adriel were friends."
     She gasped," y-you knew that?"
     I raised an eyebrow," I'm his sister. Now if you'd excuse me. I have a boy to go find."
I walked out of the classroom and slammed into someone. I dropped my stuff and fell backwards.
I rubbed my head," ow."
The above me panicked," I-I'm so sor- Alice?"
I glanced up to see Jun," J-Jun. I was looking for you."
He grabbed my hand and pulled me up," really?"
I nodded," you weren't in first period. I was sad."
He stroked my head gently," I'm sorry. I slept in on accident. I'll walk you to your next class, ok?"
I smiled and nodded as we made began to make our way to Potions.
He stopped outside the class," I'm afraid I have to rush to History of Magic. I'll see in sixth period."
I wave as he walked away. I looked around for people I knew in Potions. The tables of four were mostly full. I smiled when I saw that the only table of five, had three people I knew.
I walked over and sat down. I was happy to see Wooshin, Bambam, and Yugyeom. The fourth guy look familiar.
Wooshin nodded toward him," Alice, this is Kuhn. He's a friend of mine."
I waved sweetly," hello."
Wooshin shook his head," drop the act. Kuhn's on our side."
Kuhn nodded," I want to help."
I jumped in my seat at his voice," wow!"
He stared at me," what?"
I giggled," it's your voice. It's super deep!"
He smiled," oh that. Yeah."
I shook my head," I like it. It's cool!"
He grinned widely," yeah."
Bambam smiled at me," anything interesting happen last period?"
I sighed and slammed my face on the desk," I had a spell battle against the stalker girl."
Yugyeom laughed," what happened?"
I smiled guiltily," I knocked her unconscious."
The four boys laughed but quieted down when the teacher walked in. The teacher was a man and had black hair down to his shoulders. He was dark with wide eyes and thick lips. He seemed kind of short.
He bowed kindly and looked around," I'm Professor Heechul or Professor Heenim. I don't care. I'm your potions teacher and when I'm done, you'll all be potion geniuses."
The teacher gave us free day so we were allowed to do whatever. I chatted with the boys at my table until Jungkook pulled a chair over.
   He sat between Yugyeom and I," hey, Alice, Bambam, Wooshin."
   Wooshin simply gave him a nod before turning back to talking to Kuhn and I. Bambam just smiled. He had heard what happened yesterday when Jun hit Jungkook with a spell. Bambam knew Jungkook was trying something, but I didn't know what.
    Kuhn smiled and tapped his wand on a piece of paper," Avifors."
    The paper crumbles and sprouted feathers until it was a tiny bird.
     I cooed at it and scooped it into my palms," hello little bird."
     The bird hopped off my shoulder and hopped around before hopping back on the table. I smiled as it hopped around. Suddenly, the tiny bird exploded into ripped pieces of paper.
    I look up at Jungkook who had his wand pointed at the bird," what is wrong with you?"
    I wiped my eye before getting up and storming out of the class. Professor Heenim allowed me to leave for moment. He knew that I was  upset over the destruction of the bird Kuhn made for me.
    I leaned against the wall outside and sighed. Why would Jungkook destroy my bird? It was so cute and it was sweet of Kuhn to make it for me.
    "Are you ok?"
    I looked up to Kuhn standing over me. He ran a hand through his brown hair and in this light, I could see him well. He had narrow eyes and a prominent nose. He had large lips that formed a huge, wide smile. He was super tall and muscular.
    He leaned down with a smile and wiped a tear off my cheek," it's ok, Alice. I can make you another one."
    I sighed," it wasn't just about the bird. I was upset that Jungkook destroyed something I obviously liked."
   Kuhn stood up and pulled me into a hug. I felt slightly better with him trying to cheer me up.
   "What's happening here?"
   I looked from Kuhn to see Jun. I rushed out of Kuhn's arms and into Jun's.
   I felt his gentle hand caress my back," why are you so sad, Alice?"
   I looked up at him," Kuhn made me bird out of paper and Jungkook destroyed it."
   Jun smiled and grabbed my face," it's ok, Alice. Don't let Jungkook get to you."
   I nodded," why are you out of class?"
   He shrugged," running an errand for the teacher."
   I smiled," well, I guess I have to go back to class."
    He nodded," you do. I'll see you later."
    I wave as he walks off.
    I turn back to Kuhn and grab his hand," let's go back to class."
    He nods and follows me back. When we sit down, Kuhn and I switch seats. I sit between him and Wooshin and he sits between Jungkook and I.
    Jungkook scoffs," of course Alice wouldn't want to sit by me."
    I stand up and slam him on the table. His face laid sideways and he glanced up at me.
    I shook my head," why are you being like this?"
    He sighed," because I don't want you all over everyone."
    I laughed," everyone? I didn't ask any of you to touch me. I'd rather not be touched but that's just me."
    He laughed at me," really? Jun. Wei. Wonwoo. Even Kuhn just now. You touch them all."
    I sigh," they're my friends. Am I not allowed to joke with them?"
    Jungkook slammed his hand on the table," then why are Jackson and I different?"
I stared at his upset expression," I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize that it upset you."
I let go of him and let him sit up," how could you not tell that it bothered us?"
I shrugged," I'm kind of oblivious to- oh, that's what Wonwoo was talking about. Oops."
Jungkook smiled weakly," can you and Kuhn switch seats again?"
Kuhn and I swapped seats again so that I'd be between him and Jungkook. While I was chatting with Kuhn, I felt something warm and soft on my face. I looked over to see Jungkook resting his face on my shoulder. Instead of hitting him, I reached my hand up and patted his hair.
Wooshin shook his head," Alice, you are the center of attention aren't you?"
I frown," I don't try to be. It just happens. I'd rather not be."
Wooshin's eyes widen," you don't like being the center of attention?"
I shake my head," I'm not a fan of attention. I like causing trouble, but even then, I like being unseen."
Kuhn reached over and tucked a hair behind my ear," that's kind of odd."
I pouted my lip," how mean. I just don't like being the center of attention, Kuhn."
He smiled widely," I like being the center of attention."
I patted his tall head," it's because you're good at it. You have lots of talent, Kuhn."
He grinned and shrugged," it's nothing."
I shifted my body to get more comfortable with Jungkook's head on my shoulder," Kookie, can you tilt your head a little. Your chin hurts."
He sat up leaned around me," Kookie?"
I giggled," Namjoon told me your nickname."
He hit the desk lightly," Namjoon!"
I laughed," it's cute. You're funny Jungkook."
He smiled shyly," thanks."
I leaned back on him while I was talking to Kuhn," you're comfy."
I felt him chuckle and rest his head on top of mine," what class do you have next?"
I pulled out my schedule," I have Flying next."
He sat up and smiled," we have next period together."
Bambam and Yugyeom high-fived," we have that class too."
I smiled," yay!"
Kuhn and Wooshin exchanged glances," we don't have flying. I'm a second-year and Kuhn's a third-year."
I frowned," what classes do you have Kuhn?"
He handed me his schedule so I could check it.
After scanning it for a second I smiled," we have History of Magic and Ghoul Studies together."
He smiled," that's great."
Wooshin handed me his so I could check for our classes together," we have only this class together, but we're both Slytherin so we can hang out whenever."
He nods," that's true."
Yugyeom waved my attention," you have Ghoul Studies, what period?"
I smiled," sixth."
He grinned," we have it together."
     I giggled," yay! It's gonna be so much fun!"
     The bell ran and all the first years had to go to class together. I said bye to Kuhn and Wooshin and the four first-years, including myself, walked to flight class. We all knew Professor Jungsoo was the teacher.
    I stopped in the hallway when I saw Jun. I smiled and went to go run to him, but stopped. He was talking to some girl and was smiling a lot. She was another first-year, but she was a Ravenclaw like him. She was super pretty. Jun leaned forward and kissed her forehead. I turned away from them and look directly into Jungkook's eyes.
    He frowned and cupped my cheek before turning to Bambam and Yugyeom," watch her."
    Jungkook walked past them to Jun and slammed him against the wall," what the hell are you thinking?"
    Jun rolled his eyes," what are you talking about?"
    Jungkook scoffed," as if you didn't see Alice walking towards you."
    Jun's face dropped," what?"
    Jungkook pointed towards me and dropped Jun.
    Jun began to walk towards me," Alice, I'm so sorry."
    I balled my fists," shut up, Jun!"
    I turned and ran in the opposite direction of the class. I heard Jungkook and Jun calling for me. I ignored them and rushed for somewhere I could feel safe.
    I finally found an empty hallway and slumped down against the floor. Jun didn't even like me, did he? He was just using me.
    "Alice? What happened?"
    I was scared to look up. I didn't want anyone to see my shed a tear. I glanced up and my fear was realized. Wonwoo.

A Whole New School (HP & Kpop fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang