Chapter 9

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"Miss Alice, are you ready?"
I looked back from my mirror to the door of my bedroom. My mother's ball was tonight and I had to make an appearance. I had to spend the last two hours preparing. My mother had also paid for Yoongi's funeral. His parents were grateful for that but the entire time, I hated myself. Saying good bye to him was like begging for my own death. I wanted it to end but I knew it wouldn't.
   I yelled at the voice on the other side of the door," yes, I'm ready."
    I opened to the door to the head guard who's name I still didn't know. He was dressed in a suit that matched my dress. All of the guards matched Wonwoo and I. They wore white suits and dark red ties. My dress was a body fitting floor length red dress.
    The guard smiled," you look lovely Miss."
    I smiled," thank you. Is Wonwoo ready?"
    He nodded," he is. He's waiting for you in the hall by the staircase."
    I extended my hand," do me the honors of escorting me?"
    He bowed and extended a hand," It would be my honor."
    I linked my arm around his and he led me down the hallway.
    He sighed slightly and looked down at me," how are you handling yourself?"
    I frowned," it's hard... I didn't think I could handle it, but it's getting a little easier. I still miss him."
    He stopped as we neared Wonwoo. Wonwoo has his hear done nicely and was in a black suit with a red tie. He looked up at me with wide eyes.
     I let go of my guard and moved towards Wonwoo," wow, you clean up well."
     He stared with his mouth ajar," you look.... gorgeous."
   I took a step forward to walk past him but tripped. I felt an arm catch me before I hit the ground. I looked up expecting Wonwoo, but instead it was my guard.
    He pulled me up and I bumped into his chest," oh.... Sorry."
    He let me go gently," I'm sorry Miss Alice, but I couldn't let you fall."
    I nodded," thank you."
    As I made my way down the stairway, I spotted familiar people everywhere. Jackson stood in the corner in a sleek black suit with Leila who had on a body fitting powder pink dress. She pulled it off well. On the other side of the room was Elena. She was alone but I doubted that it would last long. She looked amazing in her black tight dress.
    Wonwoo walked me to Elena and I pulled her into a hug. I hadn't seen her since the funeral and I knew that she was breaking from it. She blamed herself for his death. It was hard for her to move on from it. To be honest, I don't blame her.
    She smiled weakly," you look beautiful."
    I smiled in return," I think you look better."
   She just laughed," don't think you can just pretend that all these eyes aren't on you. Jungkook has been eyeing you since you walked in."
   I looked over to see Jungkook glance up. He looked nice in his suit. He was like usual. He was impressive in a suit. All of the guys that were Suga's friends stood together. They all looked amazing. They looked like the belonged in them. It was Kuhn who really caught my eye. He looked fantastic. Not as good as my guards, but enough to draw my attention. I smiled and waved as he chatted with Hwanhee.
   I walked over and looked at the two of them," you two look great, but Hwanhee, let me fix your tie."
   I leaned over and readjusted it. I noticed the two boys look from me to the staircase. I glanced over to see what they were looking at. It was obvious. The couple that descended the staircase was Adriel and his wife, Arianna. She was barely pregnant but it was slightly visible. She wore a loose floor-length dress. Adriel wore a black suit and a red tie. He matched Wonwoo the way I matched Arianna.
    After them was my mother. She was in tall red heels. She wore a red loose dress that had a two foot train. Around her neck was a necklace she was presented with when she became the Minister of Magic in America. She  waved as she descended. People swarmed to approach her. Everyone here wanted to have a conversation with the richest woman in America. She was practically royalty in the Wizard World.
   She stood on the bottom step of the staircase," Alice, Adriel, Arianna. Come here."
   We all approached the stairs. She separated us, I was on the left side and Adriel and Arianna were on the right.
    She looked above the crowd to Wonwoo," are you not going to join, Alice?"
   He met his way through the crowd and stood by my side.
   My mother sighed in contentment," this.. This is how it should be. I, the American Minister of Magic, standing between the heirs and their partners. One day, one of these two will take my place. I haven't decided who or when. All I know is that they are growing extraordinarily. They're strong and they will be the light of the generation in the Wizard World. Adriel, my amazing son. He's been studying all there is to know since he was enough to read. And Alice, the Immortal Charm. The baby who saved herself on the operating table. My two brilliant children."
    She paused for a moment," Ezra's betrayal hurt us all. It burns me more than anyone. My son stealing magic and trying to kill his own sister. It hurts me to know that he wasn't grateful enough to my care for him. However, we will get over it. We will be stronger. I am sure of this. Not only with Alice's protection being raised, but with the news of the future heir. Arianna and Adriel will welcome their son in six months. He will most likely be the head of the American Ministry of Magic."
    I sighed as my mother droned on about the importance of us and the unborn child. I leaned on the rail of the staircase until I noticed my bodyguards standing in line. They stood together with the head guard in the front. He grinned at me and looked down. He was aware of the boredom I was experiencing.
    My mother approached me when she was done," enjoy the next twenty minutes. After that, meet me in my office."
    I frowned," why?"
    She stared at me," do you want the truth about everything?"
    I sighed and nodded.
    She nodded her head in understanding," good. Then you'll meet me."
    I turned and went to Adriel. He was standing with a glass in his hand and looked angry as usual.
   I bowed when I was close," Brother."
   He bowed in return," little sister."
   I straightened up and smile," congratulations on the news."
   He smiled kindly," thanks for getting my son's magic back. That was kind of you."
    I shook my head," it was nothing."
    He sighed," it was a shame what happened. You have my condolences. He was a brave man for standing up to Ezra like that."
    I frowned," he was. He was braver than I was. I should've killed Ezra when the chance was there."
   He nodded," I know the feeling. I fear for Arianna and our son, but I know that they aren't important to him. Instead, I fear for you, baby sister."
    I sighed," I know he wants my powers, but I'm not sure why."
    He grabbed my hand," don't fret sister. Mother will make it all clear soon. Do not panic. Just be aware. She has put you in the safest hands possible."
    I nodded," I know she did. Take care Adriel."
    He nodded and moved back to his fiancé. I turned and looked around. It took two seconds to spot Jackson and Leila.
    Jackson smiled," well, look at you. 'Miss Alice'. Heir to the thrown."
    I chuckled," shut up Jackson. You're lucky I saved you."
    He nodded and lost any hint of humor," I know. I would most likely be dead if it weren't for you. What you and Suga did was amazing. I wish I could've done something."
   Leila rested her hand gently on his bicep," it wasn't your fault. Ezra kidnapped you. You couldn't have done anything to help."
    He sighed," this magic is worthless then."
    I reached forward and grabbed Jackson's arm," Ezra will die by my hands. I can assure you that. Suga's magic runs through my body and I will avenge him. It's the least I can do."
   Jackson nodded," while you're at it, can you cheer up Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook. The three of them seem lost without Suga. They barely do anything now."
   I sighed," I'll go speak with them."
   He nodded and I excused myself to go check on the boys. The six boys stood together glancing around.
   I frowned as I approached," can I get a hug from the only ones who understand the pain."
   In an instant, I was in the group hug of the six sets of arms. I knew Jungkook was taking it harder than the others. I pulled him into my arms and held him close. I felt his body shake under my hands. It wasn't until I felt his tears patter on my shoulder that I knew just how bad it was. He was really in need of me. I held his face in my hands and pulled his face to look me in the eyes.
    I sighed and his tear eyes and red face," Jungkook, you may not know it, but I don't think I could do this without you. All of you boys are so important. The friendship Suga had with you all, I envy that. I may not be as helpful, but if you ever need me, I'm here."
    He nodded and pulled into his arms again. His poor body felt weak and hot. It was if this depression was making him ill.
    I leaned and looked up at Namjoon," can I speak with you?"
   He nodded and we walked away from the group.
   I sighed when we got to a more secluded area of the room," how are they doing?"
   He frowned," Jungkook is a wreck. He's crying and he barely eats now. He's having a lot of issues without Suga. He misses having him around. It seems impossible to cheer him up."
    I looked down," and the others?"
    He shrugged," managing, I suppose. Jimin is a disaster right now as well. Him and Suga were close. He needs to take his mind off of it but that won't happen. Jin and J-Hope are also distraught. Suga was the one between them in age. He was closer to them than anyone. Then theres Tae and I. Tae's a bit of a mystery. I'm not sure how he feels."
    I nodded," how are you handling this?"
    He laughed and rubbed his eye," I've never been worse. I lost one of my friends and now I'm not sure what to do with myself."
    I leaned in and hugged him," I know it's hard. It's going to get better."
    He nodded," I know."
    I sighed," have you spoken with his family?"
    He shrugged," they seem to be in as bad of shape as everyone else. They lost their child. I mean, they're trying, but it's got to be hard."
    I nodded," definitely. We can't really compare though. We don't know what it's like to lose a child."
    He frowned," you aren't wrong. Also, I've been meaning to ask. That man, the one who saved you. Who is he?"
    I glanced up to the staircase where he stood over looking me," he's... He's a guard, but I don't know much about him. I don't know his name or what he's supposed to do. He's a mystery."
    Namjoon glanced up to him," that him?"
    I nodded," yeah."
    Namjoon sighed," he seems like the type to be able to keep you safe."
    I glanced back at Namjoon," yeah. He did single-handedly beat Ezra. If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have gotten distracted and Ezra would be dead."
   Namjoon groaned," stop blaming yourself for everything. It's not all your fault. This is Ezra's fault. No one else's."
    I looked up at Namjoon," I wish I could believe you, but I can't."
    Wonwoo walked up to us," Alice. I'm not too big of a fan of your guard."
   I raised an eyebrow," why?"
   He looked up," he never takes his eyes off you. That and the way he looks at you. He looks like he knows every inch of your body."
   I looked up Wonwoo," don't get so jealous. He's just a guard. I've never met him before the other day. So stop worrying."
    He nodded," yeah you're right. I have nothing to worry about. You're mine after all."
    I leaned up and pecked Wonwoo on the lips," now stop being a baby. As cute as you are, I don't like this whole... Jealous thing on you."
    He smiled," got it."
    Namjoon stared as Wonwoo left," that must be aggravating."
    I sighed," he's been like this all day. It's kind of annoying."
     Namjoon laughed," well, when his girlfriend looks like you, I don't blame him."
     I smacked him," don't say that! I wanted to look my best for the occasion. Besides, what's the point in getting jealous."
      Namjoon smiled," oh, say hi to Jihoon before you do anything else."
     I nodded and headed to Jihoon, who was being alone," hey Jihoon."
     He smiled cutely," hey Alice!"
    I hugged him," I missed you."
    He nodded," I missed you too. I haven't seen you since the funeral."
     I sighed," it's hard to want to go out after what happened."
     He sighed," that's understandable. You went through a lot Alice."
     I looked at the time," oh, I have to go find my mother. I'm sorry.
     He shook his head," don't worry about it."
     I hugged him again," I'll see you around ok?"
    He nodded," of course. Go talk to your mom."
     I pulled away and went my mom's office. She was finally going to tell me all the things she hid from me.
     When I pushed the door open, she looked up from her papers," there you are Alice. Sit, please."
     I nodded and sat on one of the couches.
      She stood up and moved across from me," where to start?"
     I glared," the beginning."
     She nodded," of course. Let's see... Well, when you were born, it was obvious that you were the child that had a lot of potential. After running tests, it was apparent how many curses you were under. All these curses, good and bad, had one person tied to them... Ezra. Your immortality bond was the main one. When your bond works, it bounds you to people you share fondness and skinship with. These people will experience near death experiences and live. That bond will heal them all extremely well. The only person who doesn't benefit from it, is Ezra. Ezra was known as the underlying tie to your powers. All negative effects, affect him. When you bound yourself to someone, Ezra's life gets shortened."
    She paused," this is one of your curses. Another curse you had was your in-womb siphoning. While I was pregnant with you, you siphoned your father's, grandmother's, and grandfather's magic. It was a freak accident, but you had started doing it at such a young age. You only did it three times. Another thing was your connection curse to me. You see Alice, if you die, I will absorb the five different combine magic energies in you. However, if this happens, I'll die. My body can't handle that much magic. No one's can. Except your's. If I die, a sixth magical energy will enter you. My magic energy."
    I leaned over the table," how many curses are on me?"
    My mother sighed," too many. Currently you have four major immortality bonds. Jeon Jungkook carries the second. Wen Junhui carries the third. Jeon Wonwoo carries the fourth. We'll get to the first, but for now let me tell you why Ezra wants your powers."
    She looked down," you and Ezra are linked just as his mother and I were. For some reason, the link connected you to him instead of connecting him to Adriel. His mother and I were sisters, but as a teenager, I siphoned her magic. I let her live as a muggle. In all honesty, she deserved it. That's why your grandfather linked her and I. To punish us. However, it was a one way curse that only enabled on you and Ezra. So, your father killed her and took him."
    I raised an eyebrow," so Ezra's a half-blood? Not a muggle-born?"
    She nodded," technically. Then there's the guards. They were all such young boys when I took them in. All orphaned pure-bloods. The had such potential. So much strength for such young boys. One boy however wasn't always an orphan. He grew up with you. His mother and I always said how you two would get married one day. We both believed that you and him were perfect for one another."
    She smiled and stared at her hands," he was genuinely a sweet boy. But one day, his parents were murdered and I knew I had to take him in. I watched these seven boys grow up and I trained them in magic and medicine. They were genius boys and they had only one goal in life.. to keep you safe. It was so nice for you to play with them all when you were younger. In the beginning, Ezra was supposed to lead the boys in protecting you, but I sensed his envy. The man who leads the guards was the same little boy you played with all the time as a child and the same little boy you gave your first kiss to. He also has you first and strongest immortality bond. I only trust that little boy to protect. That little boy, he's-"
    I looked up and cut her off," Oh Sehun."

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