Chapter 8

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The March house was almost in ruins. It was a huge house though. There were three floors and seven rooms. It was obvious what room they'd be in. Ezra's room from when he was a baby. Namjoon and his team secured the house quickly and set up a barrier. As soon as the signal was given, my team headed down with Elena's closing in.
I stood on the back porch with wand in my hand," avoid contact if possible. I'll take him on my own in necessary."
Wonwoo grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his chest," don't be reckless, Alice. You better come back from this safely."
I stared at his dark, narrow eyes," Wonwoo-"
He but his finger against my lips," stop. Just....just let me have this."
He leaned forward and for the first time this year, I was prepared for what was happening. I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned into the kiss. He pulled me in by the small of my back. I smiled and pulled away.
I sighed at his expression. He had tears in his eyes and was looking worried. I leaned in and laid my forehead against his nose and lips.
I smiled up at him," we'll be fine."
I pulled away from him and looked at the team," everyone get in your places. We're going in."
JB and Kuhn pushed to the front while the rest dropped back. Wonwoo and Jungkook were already prepping defensive spells.
I put my wand up and pointed it at the door," Confringo."
The door exploded and I stared inside. The house was trashed and the sound of maniacal laughter and footprints echoed around.
That's when I spotted Ezra leaning on a wall with a smirk," hell there.. Baby sister."
I growled and swung my wand sending arrows out of the tip.
Ezra smiled and dodged," don't be so dense. I'm not going to get hit that easily."
I groaned clutched my wand," just die already!"
I heard a scream from upstairs," Alice!"
I smiled at the deep voice," Jackson!"
Ezra chuckled," you'll never make it to him. You're staying right here until I take your magic and you die."
I swung my wang again," Flipendo!"
Ezra flew backwards out the window and into the forest beyond.
I rushed to the window and turned around to my team," protect the other teams, I'm going after Ezra."
Wonwoo ran to me but I had slipped out the window before he reached me. I ducked under a branch and rushed into the forest. The foliage around the house was thick and overgrown.
I managed to get through the forest and into a small field just beyond it. Ezra was starting to recover from the blast. I rushed for him in hopes of reaching him before he fully recovered.
Ezra held his want pointed at me," Expelliarmus!"
My wand flew out of my hand and back into the forest," damn!"
I turned back to Ezra as he slammed me to the ground with his hand on my throat," how could mother ever put anything except disappointment in you."
I struggled to throw him off. I kicked but Ezra was significantly stronger than me. I glanced out of the corner of my eye as I fought against Ezra's man power. A tiny speck appeared in the darkening sky. It was small but I knew what it was. The tiny saw-whet owl I knew as my own, came down and clawed Ezra in the side of the face. His hands let go of my throat to try to fight off Pip.
I kicked him backwards and called Pip," Pip! Go get my wand!"
The tiny owl screeched and soared off in the direction that my wand went.
Ezra looked up at me, his cheek bloody," you brought your little familiar to a fight."
I laughed," actually I didn't bring him. He came on his own."
Ezra growled and lifted his wand," but I'm the only one who has a wand."
As soon as he spoke, a familiar barred owl swooped down and snatched his wand away.
A rich, familiar voice boomed," good job Seuta!"
I turned to see Jun,who was smiling as his familiar brought him my brother's wand.
Ezra just laughed," don't think that'll stop me little sister."
He pulled a second wand out," it's not a strong, but I can use it."
Just as he pulled it out, Pip returned mine to me.
I held my wand," then let's fight... Big brother."
He grinned and held his wand up," crucio."
I tried to dodge the spell but it stuck me. I dropped to the ground in agony. Images rushed through my head. Clips of my friends being hurt and killed. I buried my face into the ground as images of Wonwoo's death burned into my mine. I screamed out as I tried to escape my own personal hell.
I clutched my wand and pointed it at myself," Finite Incantatum."
The visions faded as I dropped to the floor trying to catch my breath.
Ezra smiled and looked past," let's make this more fun."
He lifted his wand," Imperio."
I struggled to get a look at who he was looked at at.
He chuckled," come here, sweetie."
I glanced up to see the short girl that had been my friend since that train ride a month ago. Ezra opened his arms to welcome Elena into his control. Her face was dull and blank.
Ezra smiled and handed her a knife," here you go sweet heart. I want you to kill your friend there. Can you do that?"
Elena looked at me and nodded blankly.
Jun ran to my side with his wand ready," go Alice. Run."
I stood up slowly," no."
Jun stared at me," Run!"
I turned and yelled," No! No one is going to hurt Elena!"
He sighed," fine. I'll get help."
I nodded and turned to Elena," Elena, hey, it's me Alice. Your best friend. Do you remember me?"
She didn't talk. She just swung the knife at me. I jumped back but barely missed.
I calmly tried again," Elena. Please Elena. Listen to me. I'm your friend."
She walked closer and swung again. This time the knife got my stomach. I clutched my stomach as I felt the blood spread through my clothes.
I tumbled to the floor and he hand came down. There was groan and a spray of blood. However, it wasn't me. The guy that hovered in front of me fell to his knees. That's when I got a good look at him. This brave boy with silver hair was none other than my own team member. I grabbed him as he fell back and held my wand to Elena.
I stared at her with hurt eyes," I'm sorry for ever using magic on you. Immobulus."
She looked completely still as I clutched Suga to my chest.
Ezra sighed," this was upsetting. You're not even going to fight back because of .... Min Yoongi."
I held my wand to Suga's chest," you're not wrong Ezra. Episkey."
Ezra groaned," that's not going to work. It only heals small wounds. That's too big."
I look up at him," I know but it'll heal the edges and prevent infection. Ferula. There we go. That should hold."
Ezra looked over at me," I'm just going to end this quickly if you're not going to fight."
I blocked Suga from Ezra's path so he would only hit me," kill me then. Take my powers."
He laughed," of course. Avada Kedavra."
The spell never hit me. All I heard was Ezra's screams before I turned around. In front of me was one of the guards from my the school that my mom had sent. His back was to me but I could see an amulet clutched in his fist. The amulet that Ezra often wore.
The man sighed," such wasted potential. The American Minister of Magic would be disappointed. You held all the siphoned magic in here, correct?"
Ezra didn't respond. He just stared at the amulet.
The man nodded," then let's continue."
He shattered the amulet in his hand," all that magic returning to their proper owners."
The man turned around," I'll be with you in a second, Miss Alice. I must handle your brother."
As he turned around, Ezra disappeared.
He sighed and walked over to me," I'll carry you, ok? You need help. That man over there, he's my second in control. He'll carry your friend."
The man kneeled down in front of me. At this distance, it was obvious that he was young. Maybe young enough to be a fourth-year. He had strong features despite his perfect pale skin and narrow eyes. His blonde hair was slicked back in a perfect manner.
He held my hand and kissed the knuckle gently," I'm your new guard. You'll be seeing me a lot."
I nodded," if that's what my mother wishes."
He bowed his head," between school years, she asked that you and your friends stay in a safe house with us. We are greatest allies for now.
I signed," I see. Well, let's get Suga to safety. He needs medical attention."
The man bowed," of course. Let me carry you then."
His friend came over and lifted Suga into his arms. The man in charge stood up before cradling me in his arms and lifting me up.
The walked back towards the house and I notices a few more men like them. They were treating the students wounds and caring for them cautiously.
I looked up at the man," is my mother aware of my brother's sin towards Adriel?"
He nodded," she is. As of now, Ezra is on a wanted list in the Wizard World. Your mother isn't as concerned for the safety of the unborn child as she is for you. Apparently, you and Ezra are cursed together. It's the reason your mother killed his family and stood him. I'll let your mother explain this later. It's not my place to tell you. However, she's holding a ball in honor of your safety. I suggest you go and you should probably take a date. Do not get the wrong idea, but I'd suggest taking either me or one of my men."
I shook my head," I can't. A have someone I have to take. He's important to me. It would be inappropriate to ask anyone else."
He nodded," I completely understand. And this boy is..."
I looked us as Wonwoo rushed towards us. His hair bounced and he was a mess of happiness and worry. I looked up and the man politely set me down. Wonwoo pulled me into his arms a bit too roughly and I winced in pain.
I looked at the man," can you do something about my wound?"
He nodded and went to retrieve his stuff.
Wonwoo grabbed my hand," wound? What happened?"
I sighed," that man broke the siphon spell but Ezra got away. They used Elena against me, and Suga and I suffered from stab wounds but his is much worse than mine. A man is headed back for Elena. Jun also has Ezra's main wand."
Wonwoo lifted my shirt lightly and exposed the wide gash across the top of my belly button," Alice.."
I stared at it," it didn't feel that deep."
He stared at me," that's a bad wound. Why didn't you try to be careful?"
I shrugged," Elena was the one with the knife. Ezra cursed her and she came at me. Suga stepped in and took the last blow. He got the worse end of it."
The man came back with a grin," you need somewhere to lay down."
Wonwoo and the guard led me into the house and laid me on the floor so the man could work on my wound. Wonwoo help my hand as the man stitched it up slowly. For someone so young, he had excellent training and strength. It was odd for my mother to trust him.
When it was done, I sat up and looked at him," my mother. Why would she send you boys?"
He stared at me dully ," when Ezra was younger, your mother set up a small team of people to protect you. She taught us how to use our magic. She taught us necessary skills to keep you safe. It's the reason she taught Ezra and Adriel herself. She was making an army of guards. Then she found out about your multiple curses that you carry in your blood. Not to mention your curse that ties you to Ezra. She felt fearful of Ezra betraying you. My team, however, was raised and trained by your mother. All of us orphaned pure-bloods. She felt that your safety was her biggest priority. Even then, we could never die. You have many names through the Wizard community. Once you bound yourself to someone, they can't die. The skinship you share with your friends, that bounds an extremely strong healing spell. Or a curse I suppose."
I stare at him," so Suga will live?"
He looks down," that depends on your amount of skinship shown before now. From what I've seen, he won't be protected by you. A few of these people you hang around. They will be almost immortal."
I look at Wonwoo," does that mean-?"
Wonwoo looks up at him," what ties the bound?"
He shrugs," generally, a lot of skinship but a kiss or intimacy is a for sure bound."
I bite my lip," oh. Ok."
My guard sighed," you've bound three people already. A forth was almost bound but you rejected his kiss. Then there's one boy.... Jihoon? You have a close bond with him. It's almost enough to bound him to you. Same thing with that one tall blonde and... Hwanhee?"
I raised an eyebrow," did you stalk me?"
He shrugged," it's part of my job description."
I stared at him," that's kinda weird."
He laughed and I couldn't help but smile at him," you have a nice laugh. You shouldn't be so serious."
Wonwoo wrapped his arm around me and buried his face in my neck.
I giggled and smacked him," what are you doing?"
The guy across from me sighed," I guess I'll leave you two."
I stood up and reached for him as he began to walk away," wait. What's your name?"
He just smiled," you'll find out soon enough."
He pulled away from me and walked away. His slick blonde hair never moved once while he swayed away in his suit. He was so mysterious and it slightly annoyed me.
Wonwoo grabbed my wrist," there's something about him that just..."
I looked back at him," it gives me goosebumps."
He nodded," exactly."
I looked up as Suga was brought in followed by Elena. I walked up to the guy carrying Elena and grabbed his arm.
He bowed slightly trying to be careful of Elena's weight," Miss Alice. Is there something you need?"
I nodded," I have a question. How old are you boys?"
The guy grinned," we're all nineteen. If we were to attend Hogwarts, we'd all be fourth-years."
My jaw dropped," you're so young."
He laughed," to be honest, our head guard, the one who stepped in to save you, he's the youngest."
    My eyes widened," how?"
    He laughed," S-, I mean, our leader is very mature."
    I grabbed him," you almost said his name! What's his name?"
    He shook his head," your mother will tell you our identities. We aren't allowed to."
    The other man came down from upstairs," you should go talk to your injured friend."
    I nodded and went upstairs. Namjoon, Jungkook, Jimin, and three guys I didn't know were sitting beside Suga. 
    Jungkook looked up," Alice, you need to speak with him."
    I nodded and sat down on his bed beside him. He was paler than usual and he looked upset.
    He looked up at me," Alice... I-I don't think I'm going to live."
     I cupped his cheek," don't say that!"
     He stared at me with a weak smile," I don't regret getting in front of you, Alice. You were an amazing leader and you worked so hard to get Jackson back. Even when everyone thought you were in league with Ezra. You fought for him and proved us all wrong. Even though Ezra's alive, you did keep everyone you could safe. In the end, you tried to save me on your own. I saw what you did. You blocked my body with yours and you didn't fight back because you were trying to heal me. You're an amazing leader Alice. You're an amazing person. Don't forget that. Please, keep these boys safe. Jimin, Jungkook, and Tae especially. They're pretty dumb. Hoseok is an idiot too. Namjoon runs things fine, but I think he needs someone he can depend on. Be that for him. Be that person he can turn to, because starting today, I can't be. Also, kill that idiot brother of yours. And before I die, siphon my magic."
    I shake my head," no. I'm not siphoning your magic."
     He grinned," it won't be any use to me Alice. Take it."
     I stared at him," a-are you sure?"
     He nodded and reached up to my cheek and wiped a tear," of course. You deserve all the power in the world. I know it'll go to good use."
    He smiled and reached to Jimin and Jungkook," you two... Take care of her. You too Namjoon. Protect her. She's like a little sister to me. She deserves to be taken care of. No matter what, don't let Ezra get her."
     The boys nodded and grabbed Suga's hands. I rested my face in the crook of his neck. We all knew that the his time with us was ending.
    The last person to come in the room was Elena. She sat down on the bed and sobbed into his chest and told him how sorry she was. She couldn't apologize enough to get it across, but we all knew that this would eat at her. Suga said he forgave her and we all held his hand.
     I leaned my head to his chest," thank you... Yoongi."
     He smiled at me weakly," that's the first time you called me by my real name. It was nice."
     Then the light was gone. The light in his eyes left us to our own.

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