Revenge of the Damned

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"Something's wrong." I looked at Alice when her revelation came in a gasp. "But it works in our favor. I think?" Alice wasn't making any sense and it was confusing me even more. I saw a smile slowly creeping onto Edward's face.

"Maybe the wolves should sit this one out. It will be too close a call. How does that work Alice?" Edward looked to his sister and both of their eyes grew bigger.

"Can somebody explain to those who are not mentally challenged?" Rose quipped.

Edward rolled his eyes at Rose's remark. "Jacob I know how excited you and your pack are to do some fighting, but it's too risky. The Volturi are showing up earlier than expected. And they will not honor any treaty that we have with you and they will kill all of you. You must get everyone and leave."

Jacob understood the urgency in Edward's voice. And morphed into his wolf form; no doubt informing all of the wolves at once they needed to retreat.

"Yes! More for me!" Emmett jumped up and down.

"Edward, are you sure? We'll be too mismatched." Carlisle pointed out. I wanted to panic and run home to get my father as far away from Forks as possible. I knew it wasn't logical but I wanted to make sure that he was safe. The wolves will protect him, I had to hold on to that.

"There was too much in-fighting. The numbers have dropped dramatically from nineteen to seven, and that's including Irina and Victoria. We can easily handle seven vampires."

We stood in the middle of the clearing and I placed my shield around every member of my family. I had no idea what these newborns could do, but at least my family was going to be safe from any mental attacks.

We waited for seemed like an eternity, to me, but it was really only twenty minutes. I never realized how impatient I was until that very moment.

All at the same time, we noticed movement several miles into the woods, and saw the seven vampires. They were grouped together, with no specific battle plan. They reached the tree line in a matter of seconds, but stopped thereafter.

Victoria's hair was more fiery than I remembered. Her eyes burrowed holes through my body as she looked between me and Edward. They were black as coal. I wouldn't have been surprised if she starved herself just so she could enjoy tearing me apart that much more.

I took a moment to survey the scene that was set before me. Victoria's eyes danced between mine and Edward's, seemingly unaware that there were six other vampires to her seven. In contrast, Edward focused solely on Victoria.

Irina stood close to Victoria and was flanked by two female vampires. The short one that stood to her right had long brown hair. She was thin and looked as though she was around twenty-five when she was turned. The vampire on her left, was a little bit taller with really long curly hair; down to her waist. The red and blonde highlights looked amazing against her pale skin.

The other two vampires were somewhat closer to Victoria but on the other side of Victoria. All of them, however, were in an offensive crouch ready for the attack. Alice and Edward were the only ones that weren't responding in a similar way.

"Haven't you learned your lesson by now, Victoria? You will never get close enough to Bella." Edward taunted her. Victoria shifted her weight trying to see an easy window of leaping clear over to me. "It won't work." He said in a light chuckle.

"Well you know I have to try." Victoria purred back. I had always imagined her smiling at me, but she only leered in reality. I was too close for her to fail.

"Just tell me one thing, when you came to Laurent, and told him of your plan, did you mention that it was a suicide mission? Even now, taking all of us with only five newborns? You're not even sure of this yourself." Edward asked. I was becoming a bit confused.

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