Catch That Kid

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I was mesmerized by the eyes of Elizabeth and Anthony, a steely blue almost grey, they seemed to look right through you. Elizabeth had a spell over me that no one would be able to deny. Their tiny hands and feet were absolutely perfect just like them. Her brown hair wasn't quite as dark as mine. Between the full set of hair of her and her brother, I was quite sure that their birth mother must have had a lot of heartburn. Isn't that how the tale goes?

My two little angels slept peacefully in mine and Edward's arms for the next few hours. I never let Elizabeth out of my arms. Edward on the other hand, left Esme to care after Anthony while he helped Carlisle with the body. I found out later that they placed her body relatively close to the accident site so that her family could give her a proper burial.

I heard Jasper downstairs on the phone with somebody named J. Jenks, who was helping us obtain the necessary paperwork to go with our new additions. Once the papers were in our hands, it wouldn't matter what we purchased or when, but just on the safe side of error, we agreed that all purchases should be made in cash.

Hilary and Jordan made it back to the house roughly the same time. I heard Edward groaning when Alice walked into the house. I walked down the steps only to find her carrying a crib set over her head.

"Alice dear, I thought we were going to hold off on the big purchases for a while?"

"Esme don't worry. I already checked it out, we'll be okay. I drove out of state to find another Wal-Mart that was twenty four-seven. Now, Hilary you should hurry up with the bottles, they'll be waking up in a few. Alice ran upstairs to set up the in one of the spare bedrooms.

As if on cue, just as Hilary handed me a bottle for Elizabeth, my babygirl started screaming louder than any baby should be able to scream. Jordan gave a bottle to Edward before Anthony had a chance to open his mouth. Elizabeth very greedily drank from her bottle while Anthony took his time with the formula. It was amazing how similar and yet completely different they were.

Both children starting falling asleep even while drinking their bottle. I had never had much experience with newborns, but I knew that they must have been exhausted.

"Bella, let's let them sleep. We can use some time alone." I looked up at my husband's irresistible amber eyes and agreed. We took them up to the spare bedrooms and I laid Elizabeth in the crib next to her brother, and me and Edward headed out of the room, when we heard a faint sucking noise. I turned around and I wasn't sure what I was more astonished at: the fact that Anthony was now sucking on a pacifier or the fact that there was a transparent, light bubble covering the twins.

"Carlisle!" Edward muttered. I knew Carlisle would hear him, but I wanted him here sooner.

Carlisle came in the bedroom, followed by Esme who wanted to see what all of the commotion was about. The both of them were just as astonished as me and Edward. I took a step towards them but Edward tried holding me back, but I fought my way from his grip. I walked over to the crib and saw their arms grazing each other, oblivious to what was going on around them.

I slowly inched my hand closer and closer to the bubble and almost immediately an unseen force flung me backwards into the wall. If I was human, my head would have been cracked and there would definitely be a broken arm or a couple of broken ribs. "Bella, love, are you okay?" Edward asked as he rushed over to me. I looked back at the crib when I realized that one of the babies was screaming, and I saw that the bubble was gone.

I hurried over to the crib and scooped Anthony up, his pacifier falling out of his mouth. Edward grabbed Elizabeth and started humming my lullaby. Alice chimed in with the harmony and the twins were drifting back to sleep.

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