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it snuck up like a pouncing feline

sharp claws that catch

strong jaws that bite

the news hurt, my friend

but i know we'll see each other again

have adventures as we do

run through fields, swing on trees

laughing all the while as we kneel on scratched up knees

i thought my tears were wasted

i thought they all were gone

i'll miss your vibrant colour

and the sound of your sweet song

i thought my tears had run out long ago

but not for you i guess

i'm going to miss you both

more than you will ever know

and though i may not have said it

thank you for being there

thank you for accepting all of me

my wild eyes, my messy hair

and off to the unknown lands you go!

be free my lovely friends

we may not be together in one place

but this friendship, it won't ever end

to two people i'l miss this summer, next year, and forevah

thank you!!!

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