the word gets out

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Kelly's POV

I was almost finished at work when I got a phone call from brooke I couldn't really hear what she was saying but I told her I would be home soon, so when I walked through the door I sat my purse down I started walking up stairs while saying "brooke I'm home now what's wrong I could barely hear you on the phone?"

when I get to the top of the stairs I see brooke crying with a razor near her wrist I screamed "NO" to stop her and then I sat her down to talk about the phone call.

Brooke's POV

I was at breaking point and I wanted another chance with my sister so I got my razor and tried to work up bravery to cut but I couldn't, I was just lying there infront of the stairs tears streaming down my face, when my mum walked up she screamed "NO" and then took the razor off me. then she wanted to know what the phone call was about, I took her hand to the bathroom and told her everything and then I picked the Lock to the bathroom to see........

Kelly's POV

OMG my paige was on the ground lifeless with blood all over her wrists, immediately I fell down crying and then I rang the ambulance I knew I couldn't save her but we couldn't keep her here. after, I rang all the family and told them the bad news but I could barely say Paige's name or I would burst out crying.

Brooke's POV

it was like the earth stopped spinning with paige gone I had no one to tease josh with and no one to paint my right nails and no one to share popcorn with sure I had my brother and mum but none of them do those stuff the same as paige. whenever me and paige shared popcorn she would throw them at me then eat them, it was gross at the time but now that's the thing I miss.

Brandon's POV

I haven't heard from paige or brooke in a while and I'm guessing they r both pissed at me from earlier, but when my mum comes bursting through the door tears covering her petite face I am immediately concerned then she says with a hint of horror in her voice "paige is dead" "she commited suicide"

all I can say is "what?" I can't even properly comprehend what my mum is saying then I think is this from earlier did she really love me? or did she not like brooke taking her ex?



I'm thinking of changing the cover but I really need ideas like for what cover and for what to happen and also I will try to update every second day unless I say like to get votes or something idek yeah but every second day is the goal!! keep reading and maybe vote and comment and also if anyone could tell me how to add photos to the side plz that would be great thnxs

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