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Chloe's POV

I turned into the parking lot of Brooke's school with marry me by Jason derulo blaring from the radio, as soon as I see brooke I turn the radio down to volume 5 and greet her. "hey brookie hop in" I say "brooke looks up from her phone and that's when I notice 3 tears rolling down Brooke's face" omg what's wrong ?"brooke just shrugs and hops in

Brooke's POV

I heard Chloe's car coming into the parking lot and I was about to close my phone when I got a Facebook notification from ryliegh vertes saying that I'm a slut with no boobs that no one cares about me", at this I started to silently cry but when I looked up chloe noticed my tears and asked me what's wrong I just shrugged and hopped into her sliver prius.

Chloe's POV

it was a quite ride home and the only thing on my mind was 'what's wrong with brooke?'. as soon as I pulled up to my house brooke hopped up and sprinted inside, this didn't really bother me because me and brooke have been close for years and we knew each other's houses off the back of our hands, but the fact that she was crying while running in really bothered me. so I ran in and up to where I heard brooke crying; my bedroom, "brookie? are you alright" I said hoping that the problem isn't me which I seriously doubt cause she was fine on the phone when she rang "yes chlobird I'm fine it's just just r r ryliegh" she said with tears spilling out all over my designer allibaba bed cover. "brooke what do u mean?, what did ryliegh do?" , "she umm she she told me that I'm a slut with no boobs that no one cares about me" by now brooke had stopped crying and was fiddling with her hair trying to braid the front part, once Brooke finished telling me what ryliegh did I ran to my phone and started dialling ryliegh "who are you calling?" asked Brooke. I just looked at her and she realised my answer so she sat back down and started tracing the paisley design on my pillow, it was a pretty pillow if I do say so myself but I was sad cause Paige gave it to me when we were little and now that Paige is gone I have seriously considered boxing it up and putting it under my bed.

Brooke's POV

"chloe what did ryliegh say?" I asked after chloe got off the phone, chloe just looked at me and shook her head as tears started rolling out her eyes then she started with a very unstable shaky voice "she said that I am a tall big boobed skinny freak that chooses to hang out with a fat short flat chested weirdo and that combination does not look right, she umm umm she also said that I'm a whore and no one likes me" I felt so bad for chloe, ryliegh is an asshole! I looked over to chloe who was now crying uncontrollably and then I glanced to the clock shit we had 3 minutes till we had to leave to dance.

"chlobird I know your sad and well I am too but we have to get ready for dance or mrs Abby will get mad and that is not what we need after all the drama that just happened" I said to a now puffy eyed half calmed chloe.

Maddy's POV

I had the best day today, zack growler the cutest boy in school asked me out and of course I said yes. I was gleaming as I skipped into dance, Abby must of noticed because she raised her eyebrows at me and then started laughing but I kept on skipping until I got into the dancers den, before I walked in I prepared what I was going to say to chloe I knew she was going to be in there she always is but I miss brooke I'm not sure if she still does it since paige died but she should cause she's an amazing dancer

when I walked into the den my massive smile faded when I noticed chloe wasn't here, don't get me wrong I was so happy for what happened today and nothing was changing that but it was a bit crushing that she wasn't there I just hope she comes soon.

at the moment I was sitting next to Kendall in the dancers den waiting for my chlobird to arrive, we were talking about one direction because they are Kendall's favourite band and she kept referring to something about spoons and every time she did I would just laugh and shake my head, I hate one direction. "omg so harry tweeted this thing on Monday ab-" I tuned Kendall's voice out of my mind as I started to wonder what happened to chloe, just as I finished concluding a whole story about mad bikers kidnapping her. she walks in the front doors with her hair in a messy bun and she is holding Brooke's hand "yay brooke" I scream and run up to her then I look to chloe and say "I have happy news"!

Chloe's POV

after I stopped crying I got up threw brooke a pink and black striped dance bra and some pink spandex shorts at brooke while I put on some black spandex shorts and a black stoned dance bra

after we were dressed we hoped into my silver Prius and headed to dance, we were already 5 minutes late and I was just hoping they hadn't gone in for pyramid yet.

once we arrived I parked my car to the back left and sprinted in With brooke by my side

authors note:

omg I feel so bad because this chapter involves nothing related to the story but ive got writers block and cant think of anything omg im such a fail :( and also on a good note 126 READS WOO HOO I ACTUALLY NEVER THOUGHT THIS WOULD HAPPEN I SERIOUSLY THOUGHT IT WOULD GET LIKE 2 haha but thankyou so much

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