Chapter 18

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Stormpaw hit Hopepaw alongside the head and she reeled back from the impact. She quickly regained her balance and advanced on Stormpaw. They circled each other, teeth bared and tails lashing, but there lived a measure of playfulness in their eyes. Hopepaw had to remind herself to keep her claws sheathed-RiverClan didn't train like TigerClan.

"Strike now, Stormpaw!" Stonefur, Stormpaw's mentor, ordered.

Meanwhile, Graystripe called to her. "You've got this, Hopepaw!"

Stormpaw's face was only a whisker-length from hers. His amber eyes were alight with determination. He looked so much like Graystripe, but his mannerisms reminded her somewhat of Owlpaw. If only the two knew that they were brothers. Featherpaw and Maplepaw were similar in their kindness. Hopepaw figured she was somewhere in between: both determined and fearless while being compassionate.

She snapped out of her thoughts when Stormpaw lunged at her. Hopepaw dodged him and knocked her shoulder into him. But Stormpaw was bigger than her and older. Her weight was nothing in comparison to him. That was her mistake.

Stormpaw spun around and leaped onto her. He pinned her down by her shoulders as she stared up into his eyes. If is were a real battle, she'd be crowfood by now.

"Stop!" Stonefur shouted and he padded over to the two apprentices. "Well, done Stormpaw. That was well executed."

Stormpaw removed his weight from her and Hopepaw stood up. She shook the dirt from her pelt and tried to regain her dignity. TigerClan taught her better than this. She may be younger than Stormpaw, but she's been training since she was four moons old. Stormpaw was probably only five moons older than her, give or take.

He distracted Hopepaw. Everything about him and Featherpaw fascinated her. She wondered what they would do, what they would say to her, if only they knew that they shared a father? Hopepaw couldn't fight Stormpaw, not even in training, without her mind wandering. She yearned in the very bottom of her heart to tell him the truth.

Graystripe padded up to Hopepaw. "What was that about? You should've known Stormpaw was stronger than you?" He didn't seem upset or disappointed, only concerned. His yellow eyes and concerned frown told her that.

"Sorry, Graystripe." She shook her head to try and clear it. "I guess I'm just a little tired today. I didn't sleep well last night."

"Why don't you take the rest of the day off?" Graystripe suggested as he sat down. He curled his fluffy tail around his paws. "But tomorrow we'll go at this again until you get it right."

She nodded and sighed in relief. "Thank you." Hopepaw turned to leave and disappeared into the forest. Stormpaw was still practicing with Stonefur and Graystripe. He and Featherpaw could easily be named warriors soon. Then she would be separated from them.

Hopepaw entered camp and saw that most everyone was sharing tongues. She paused, watching the clan's close, easy bond. It made her miss TigerClan. When would TigerClan allow her to come home? It had been an eye-opener to meet her father and half-siblings, but she missed her mother and her littermates.

"Hopepaw!" Featherpaw bounded over to Hopepaw, her eyes bright. "How was training?" She fell into step with Hopepaw as they walked towards the apprentice den.

"I faltered," Hopepaw admitted and hung her head. "Sometimes I don't think I'll ever fit in here."

Featherpaw gave Hopepaw a look of sympathy. "You're safe here, Hopepaw. And we like you, Stormpaw and I." Her pink nose twitched with amusement. "To be honest, it's nice sharing the den with another she-cat. It's like having a sister."

Hopepaw cringed at Featherpaw's words. She wasn't far from the truth. "I like you, too, but I miss my mother and my littermates..."

Featherpaw settled down in the shade. "Tell me about them. Your mother is Sandstorm, right?"

She nodded and laid down in front of Featherpaw. "Yes, Sandstorm is my mother. She's so strong and compassionate at the same time. I want to be like her. I have two littermates: Owlpaw and Maplepaw."

"You're so lucky to have a sister," Featherpaw spoke wistfully. She listened intently with curious blue eyes.

"Maplepaw's great, but she's always been kind of sickly. Tigerstar made her a healer which is insulting in TigerClan." Hopepaw explained. "She may not be the strongest, but Maplepaw is very intelligent. Owlpaw is the strong one. Sometimes I think he wants to be just like Tigerstar."

Featherpaw wrinkled her nose. "How could any cat want to follow in Tigerstar's pawprints? He's evil!"

She shrugged and pondered Featherpaw's question. "He's lied to all of us and I suppose that we've fallen into denial. There must've been some that questioned Tigerstar's leadership, but anyone that speaks treasonous words are executed."

"Tell me more about Owlpaw?" Featherpaw laid her head on her paws.

"Well, he's strong and very brave." Hopepaw conjured an image of her brother in her mind. "He can be a bit stubborn and hot-headed, but I believe that he always means well."

Featherpaw purred in amusement. "He sounds a bit like Stormpaw. They have a lot in common."

More than you realize, Hopepaw thought to herself. She stood up and headed over to the fresh-kill pile. Her belly rumbled and all she saw on the pile was fish. She missed mouse and squirrel.

"Nothing look appetizing?" A tortoiseshell she-cat purred in amusement.

Hopepaw huffed, "Is it that easy to tell?"

"You'll get used to fish." The she-cat promised. "I'm Mosspelt, by the way." Then she walked over to join Mistyfoot.

Sighing, Hopepaw picked a trout and carried it back towards the apprentice den. Featherpaw was gone and Hopepaw spotted her talking with Stormpaw. She longed to join them, but they deserved a brother-sister moment. It wasn't as if they knew she fit into that category.

Hopepaw quietly ate her trout in the shadows. She kept her eyes down until a shadow crossed over her. When she raised her eyes she was surprised to see Leopardfur. The RiverClan deputy looked down upon her with distrust.

"Crookedstar wishes to speak with you." Leopardfur mewed before walking away to join the other warriors.

Intrigued, Hopepaw headed towards Crookedstar's den. She stood at the entrance and made a noise to announce herself. "Come in," She heard him say.

Hopepaw pushed into the den and saw Crookedstar sitting with his tail curled around his front paws. His crooked jaw looked more distorted up close. She also realized how big Crookedstar was. He wasn't as big as Tigerstar, but definitely close.

She cleared her throat, "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes," Crookedstar raised his head, "Sit down, Hopepaw." She obeyed and sat down before the powerful RiverClan leader. "I've spoken with Graystripe and a few of the other warriors. They all say that you've settled in well. Graystripe says you already are showing great potential as a swimmer and fisher."

Hopepaw dipped her head in respect. "I'm trying. It's been hard and I would be lying if I said that I didn't miss my mother or my littermates."

"That's understandable," Crookedstar's gaze filled with sorrow. "But RiverClan is your clan now. Graystripe also says that you've taken to Featherpaw and Stormpaw?"

"Yes, they've been very welcoming." Hopepaw answered respectively.

Crookedstar became wistful and nodded slowly. "I was going to invite you to come to the Gathering tomorrow. Would you like that?"

Hopepaw hesitated. How could she see her family and pretend they meant nothing to her? To look Bramblepaw and her other friends in the eye and look away? It sounded very much like an assessment, one that Hopepaw would need to pass.

She dipped her head to Crookedstar, "I would love to attend the Gathering."

Crookedstar purred, "Good, you're dismissed now."

Hopepaw rose to her paws and exited Crookedstar's den. She felt pleased that Crookedstar trusted her enough to attend the Gathering, even if it probably was an assessment. They probably wanted to see how she would act around her former clanmates. Hopepaw returned to the apprentice den and decided to take a long nap.


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