Chapter 10: Abandon All Hope

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Edited :)

The day was perfect, nice weather. Just nice, but something felt weird, I mean it just felt a little off and I didn't know if it was my gut instinct or I was just paranoid from a while back when I was still with the Saviors. Anyways, something felt like something bad was gonna happen, but I just didn't know what it was, all I knew that it wasn't going to be good. You're just paranoid, just deal with it Angie, it's nothing, it's just your mind pulling tricks on you, is what I thought to myself one calm, perfect day. Then when I thought that everything good had come, it was destroyed all over for me once again. A wall fell had fallen down again, they told me what had happened the first time a wall had fallen, they said it wasn't pretty. Anyways, shall we rewind and go back to about two or three weeks ago. When the walkers came and invaded the whole town of Alexandrian, also known as my home.

*Two weeks ago (Flashback)* (They have another walker invasion again. Just wanted to make the story more entertaining and some of the characters may or may not... well read to find out😏 and the walkers come from a valley. Not a canyon type thing, almost like the show.)

"Rick, I need to talk to you if that's okay." I said as I walked up to Rick and he looked at me and I needed to get whatever feeling I had off my chest about what was going on that I had noticed.

"Yeah, okay. What's going on, Angie?" Rick asked as he looked at me and I swallowed and I felt nervous for some reason and I thought that he might think that I was crazy once I told him my theory.

"Have you noticed that there aren't as many walkers out and about?" I asked as I looked at him and he chuckled a little and smirked just a bit and I knew he noticed too.

"Yeah, but that's good. Look at it this way, less walkers means that we don't have to worry as much about going out. It also means less walker related deaths." Rick said and I shook my head as I looked at him and he looked at me with a serious face because I genuinely meant business.

"No Rick, seriously, you don't understand. Walkers that I see when I go on runs or do  whatever I need to do, I see them come from the same direction. They have to be coming from a valley or some place and I want to go and see. We should take the group to go scope out and see where they're coming from. I just want this place to be safe and I want to help protect it. Can you please just do this one favor for me? I want to keep you safe and I want to keep everyone around here safe, I want to keep Carl safe. Please." I begged as I looked at him and he looked like he was contemplating it and I had high hopes that he would at least think about it.

"Angie, we'd have to gather everyone and it would be too much work and-" I cut Rick off and I looked at him and he looked at little surprised at what I had to say next.

"I'll do it. If you get the weapons and stuff ready, I'll get everyone to the church so we can tell them then I'll gather everyone." I said as I looked at him and he nodded and I felt some sort of relief as he did that.

"Sure let's go ahead and do that, then we can go. I'll tell Daryl, Michonne, and Carol to gather everyone into the church so you don't have to." Rick said and I nodded and I smiled as I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Thank you." I said and hugged him then quickly got off and he just smiled as he looked at me and nodded and I was just happy that he agreed.

"You're welcome. I trust your instinct, Angie. You're a sharp one." Rick said and went to get those three people to get everyone to the church and I excitedly went to mine and Carl's room, he was in the bathroom taking a shower I guess, I don't know he's Carl.

"Carl? Babe? Carl it's me, your girlfriend." I said as I called for him and I needed his help with this mission that we were going on him and I also needed to tell him the plan.

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