Chapter 19: Hailey and Nicole

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Edited :)

This chapter is dedicated to my friend Hailey aka CodingCatsWP


Yes, we did indeed have a wedding and it was a great big wedding in front of all our friends and family. Well, that was about three and a half months ago, now things have changed a lot. We've had more people come in, the guys are still doing the same thing meaning that they still go on run and I've still have been working with Olivia and Francine still comes over to baby sit the little ones. Speaking of little ones Judith and Abigail have gotten bigger, and they are still very adorable. I just walked downstairs with a load of dirty laundry and all the guys were in the living room. Changing their clothes and throwing them on the floor and I sighed and rolled my eyes because I was the one who helped with the laundry.

"Hey guys, how was the run? Find anything good? Medicine? Food? Anything?" I asked as I went around and picked up their clothes off the floor and put it in the laundry basket without complaining.

"Medicine, a little food that's about it," Glenn said as he walked passed me. "How's Maggie and the baby?" Glenn asked as he looked at me and he was wiping his hands on his pants.

"Good, Maggie is getting her to sleep and then she said she would be back down, but I think you should go up and help her." I said and he nodded before heading up the stairs and disappearing into the hallway.

"Hey beautiful wifey." Carl said and wrapped his arms around my waist and I smiled as I looked at him and even though we've been married for 3 1/2 months, it still made me happy that he called me wifey.

"Hey, how was the run? Get anything good?" I asked and kissed him and he looked at me and shrugged a little bit and I smiled.

"No, but I have you and that's the only thing I need." Carl said and kissed me passionately as if nobody else was around and I pulled back and I looked at him.

"Get a room!" Abraham yelled from across the room from where he was standing as he got changed and I looked at him then at Carl

"We plan on it." Carl smirked and I punched him in the arm because Rick was in the room with us and he just smiled and shook his head at the two of us.

"You got a mouth kid. Wise one too." Abraham said and patted Carl's shoulder as he walked passed us and went upstairs.

"Why'd you punch me?" Carl asked me still rubbing the spot where I punched him and I smiled as I looked at him and he looked at me.

"Your father was in the room, Mr. Smart mouth, so next time watch out if anybody's around okay?" I asked as he nodded vigorously and I shook my head and smiled.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go shower, alright? I hope that's not a crime to say either." Carl said and marched up the stairs to our bedroom and I flipped him off while his back was turned towards me.

I went back upstairs to our bedroom once I had thrown the load of laundry in the washing machine. After he got out of the shower and was dressed in his pajama's I sat on the bed waiting for him to come out so we could talk.

"Hi babe. I'm sorry for what I said earlier." I said and he sat next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder and he pulled me so I was closer to him.

"It's okay, I'm sorry too. I was tired and well I shouldn't have said that in front of all the guys, but it was funny and hopefully true." Carl smirked and evil and villainous smirk and I shook my head as I looked at him.

"Oh no. No, no, no. I'm too tired. So nice try Mr. Grimes. Not happening after what you said and now you expect me to pay. Ha! You are so funny." I laughed as I climbed into bed and snuggled under the covers.

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