Chapter 22: New Beginnings

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Edited :)

3 years later...

Do you believe in love at first sight? Well, that's what happened with me and Carl Grimes. The first time I saw him my dad had tried to kill people from their group. I saved them and that's what sparked my attraction to Carl Grimes. He was and still is my true love and will always be my true love until the end of time. We had our first child one year ago, her name in Bethany Marie Grimes and Carl loves her more than anyone I know, of course, besides me. People have died, people have gotten older, Maggie's expecting another child, Judith is six and Abigail is three, Carol and Daryl got married, Rick and Michonne are engaged I guess, everyone gets along, we met two communities The Hilltop and The Kingdom, and we had a few accidents with Alexandria a year ago, but life is better now. When Carl and I found out we were having a girl, I remembered that Maggie said they were going to name Abigail after her sister, Beth, but told me that she was going to name Abigail, her name because someone else was going to need the name Beth. I asked Maggie, when Carl and I found out Beth was going to be a girl, if would could name our daughter Beth and Maggie said it was okay to name her that after her sister because they named Abby after Glenn's sister. Anyways, this morining, Beth decided to wake up extra early, so we are out on the porch at 4:30 in the morning rocking in Rick's chair.

"Shh, just go to sleep baby." I cooed to her as I rocked back and forth in the chair and hoped that she was just relax and fall asleep.

"M-m-m." Beth started to say and I was hoping that she would say mama because she hasn't said mama or dada yet.

"Mama, say mama." I said as I encouraged her and she looked at me and I smiled as I looked at my gorgeous daughter who had a mixture of Carl and I's eyes.

She hasn't said mama or daddy yet, but she's said every other word she can say except for mama and daddy. I know, crazy right, well, she's Beth Grimes, what's new? Oh, her first word by the way was 'papa' and Carl had told me that was his first word when he was a baby.

"Mama!" Beth cheered and she was so happy that she said mama and I clapped as I looked at her with a smile on my face.

"Good girl! Now, when daddy wakes up we can show him." I smiled and kissed her cheek and she giggled and it was like music to my ears.

"Dada!" Beth cheered and I was a little shocked that she said it so soon and I knew that Carl must have worked with her to say it.

"Good job baby girl. Daddy is going to be so proud." I smiled and kissed her cheeks again, she was just so proud of herself.

"Mama!" Beth said and pointed to the front door and I looked over and no one was there so I knew what that meant.

"You want to go back to bed?" I asked her and he nodded her head furiously and I knew that she would hopefully go back to sleep once we were in bed. "Okay let's go back to bed." I said as I carries her upstairs to her room, where Carl would be, sleeping.

By the time I laid her in her own bed she was already asleep. I tiredly walked back to my room and crawled under the covers. Carl's arms immediately went around my waist and we drifted back to a peaceful sleep. The next morning was great because Carl and Beth were up and she kept telling him how she could say 'mama' and 'dada'. I could tell that Carl was proud of her and kissing her cheeks and hugging her, so I decided to get up and go where they are at.

"Good morning you two, what are you guys doing?" I asked as I walked to the balcony we had on our room, we added it last year and it was a nice touch.

"Mama!" Beth cheered as she looked at me and I looked at Carl and he had a smile on his face, he loved Beth with all of his heart and when she was born, he would spend every second with her.

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