Chapter 16: Uncertainty

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Edited :)

It's only been a week and a half, a week and a half since I told Carl about dad and  it's bad because I don't know if he's out there or not. I feel that I should have looked to see where I shot dad to make sure that he was really dead. Head, arm, leg, chest, heart, I mean anywhere! Simon and someone else took him away before I could get a good look at him and Dwight said he was dead, he fucking played with my mind. Anyways, Carl and I haven't been outside the gates at all this past week because we are so paranoid about it. He's been over protective and it's good, but sometimes it can get a little annoying. Today is Saturday, well it's saturday evening and Carl planned a romantic evening with me. He said I deserve just a nice night with him to take my mind off of everything that has been going on right now. Currently, we're laying in the bed and we just had a very very very romantic moment.

"Thank you so much for Carl Grimes." I said and kissed his lips and I stayed there for a little bit then I pulled back and I smiled as I looked at him.

"You're welcome baby girl. You deserved this, well, we both did." Carl said and kissed the top of my head and I kept my head on his chest and I listened to his heart beat.

"I'm sorry for springing on you that my father may or may not be alive. I know it's not the best news that you want to hear." I said as I looked up at him and he looked at me and smiled a little at me.

"It's okay. Let's just enjoy this moment right now. It's our night, just me and you that's it." Carl said and kissed my neck and I smiled because that was my favorite spot where he kissed me.

"Carl, stop! Stop that tickles!" I laughed as he kept doing it but hovered over my body, so I was underneath him and I gripped his arms and he looked at me then went back to kissing me.

"Can't baby girl, I just can't." Carl said and kept kissing me and I giggled because I was having a good time and not thinking about the situation at hand.

"Stop! Carl Grimes! Oh my god, stop it." I scolded as I looked at him and he stopped and looked at me in the eyes and I just stared at him.

"Come on. I know you love it. Tell me that you don't and I'll stop." Carl said as I sat up and I looked at him and I kissed him and he kissed me back.

"I do love it, but I also I love you too." I said and kissed him and he looked at me and moved a piece of hair from out of my face.

"Thanks. Wanna shower? It's hot and I'm sweaty. Honestly, a little hungry too." Carl smirked and I really did want a shower because we had been going at it for such a long time.

"Shut up! I call dibs first!" I said and stuck my tongue out.

"Why don't we shower together to save water?" Carl asked as he wiggled his eyebrows and I shook my head and smiled as I looked at him.

"Fine. You suck you know." I said as I collected the sheets to cover myself and he followed me as I went into the bathroom.

"No. You are the one who-" Carl started saying, but I stopped him and I looked at him and he looked at me and gave me a look.

"You dirty bird." I smiled because it was so stupid, but also so funny to me and I used to say it all the time when I was a little girl.

"Did you just say dirty bird?" Carl laughed as he looked at me and I smiled and nodded and he shook his head and I was laughing.

"Yes I did, so suck it up, you dirty bird." I laughed again as I stepped into the shower and turned on the water and it felt so nice.

"Mmm. I love you. You know that right?" Carl asked as he got into the shower with me and he placed his hands on my shoulders and kissed my neck

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