Chapter 23: Memories

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Hey guys! Warning before you read that there is a ton of flashbacks. So if you think, 'there are too many flashbacks' I wanted to write things that happened in between the months in chapters that were skipped. Love you babes! Happy Reading!

June 30

Hi, I'm Angelina Maria Grimes. Married to Carl Grimes and mother to Bethany Grimes. We have been through so much these past three years. Maybe even four years and yet we're still here. Well today is the beginning of summer that I can spend alone with my husband. Carl and I are sitting on the front porch on the swing Rick built a while ago. We were just talking about everything that has happened to us these past few years.

"I remember when we first met. Do you?" Carl asked as he pushed off so we were able to swing.

"God yes, I wish I could forget sometimes, but then again I remember that I met you. You were on your knees 'bowing down' to my father, he was going to kill one of you. He told me he was going to kill Abraham, then if things got out of hand, Glenn. So I told him, well, you should remember what I said. I kneeled next to you and then I think I killed my father. Let's just not remember that, but I met you and it was love at first sight. We dated, got married, and had a kid. And that was the best thing that could have ever happened to me." I smiled and kissed him.

"I remember the day we accidentally fell of the railing and you landed right on top of me and I ran like a dumb ass I was back then." Carl said and started blushing.

"It was fun because then that night we had sex together for the first time since we became a couple." I laughed at the memory.

"I remember when you got the job at the pantry. You always were up and there right on time. And I think you were always the last ones to leave too." Carl laughed.

"We have so many good memories together." I smiled.

"I remember proposing and us getting married in one of Francine's rooms." Carl said.

"Yeah, I was pissed at you because you were late to dinner and we almost started without you. Then you proposed and we've had a great life after." I smiled.

"Yeah, we have had a great three years. Especially when you met the twins." Carl said.

Hailey and Nicole have grow up. They are both 20 years old and they have their own house that's smaller than the other houses here. They visit once and a while, but not as often since they both have boyfriends.

"They are a couple of sweet girls." I smiled.

"Getting off topic, I remember when you told me you were pregnant with Beth." Carl said and kissed me.

"Yeah, I remember that day too." I said.


"Carl, are you home?" I asked as I peeked into our bedroom seeing as I'm in the bathroom.

"Yeah, hey baby." Carl said and set his hat on our dresser.

I was panicking. How do I tell my husband that I'm pregnant at 21 years old?

"Hey. How was your day?" I asked as I stepped out of the bathroom.

"Good, how was yours?" Carl asked as he kissed me.

"Um, it was full of unexpected surprises." I laughed then mentally face palmed my forehead.

"Why? What was so surprising?" Carl asked as he sat on the bed and caressed my thighs.

"Oh, nothing." I lied.

"Baby, you can tell me anything. What is it?" Carl asked as he held my hands.

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