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I woke up to find an arm draped across my body. I tried to get out out their grip but they held on tighter and I gasped when I saw Harry next to me.

Oh no, my parents! What if they walk in on us and think something happened? Did something happen? I looked to see I was in a shirt but my outfit from last night underneath. I sighed in relief. I shook Harry to wake him up and ask him everything going through my mind.

He groaned. "Harry, wake up!" I whisper shouted. His eyes shot open at the sound of my voice. He jolted awake and sat up in an instant.

"Did anything happen?" I asked motioning my finger between us. He shook his head.

"As much as you begged, I couldn't take advantage of you." He said with a sly wink. My eyes immediately widened and I covered my face in my hands.

"What did I do?" I asked flushed.

He pointed to the several marks on his neck only making me feel some type of way. "I'm so so sorry." I apologized.

"Listen, I had a great time last night. I hope we can meet up again?" He said shyly and held up a card he had pulled out of his pocket.

Harry Styles

I took it gladly and gave him a smile. "Of course, look I have to start getting ready for work and school. Unless you would like to come?" I asked shrugging my shoulders.

"No need, you have dealt enough with me. I'll take you up on that offer perhaps some other time, yeah?" He said smiling genuinely. I nodded and smiled back at him.

I look out my window and see only his car in the driveway. "Would you like breakfast? My parents aren't home, so no need to rush." I asked kindly.

"How about you get ready and I make breakfast? I don't want to make you any more late than I already have." He offered. My heart melted and nodded.

He went downstairs whilst I went the shower. Once I felt clean enough, I went into my closet and picked out some ripped denim boyfriend jeans and a simple white T-shirt. I pulled out some white converse and pulled my hair up in a ponytail. Simple but, it'll do.

I walked downstairs and was immediately hit with the smell of food. I went into the kitchen and found Harry in an apron leaning against the counter top. "Bon' appetite." He smirked.

I sat down and started scarfing this yummy goodness in front of me. I couldn't help but moan at how good it tasted. Harry's eye were full of amusement as he watched me eat.

"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked once I was done.

"While you were getting ready, I ate already." He explained. I read the apron he was wearing and the words, 'Kiss The Chef' stood out.

"Where did you learn to cook this good?" I asked savouring the after taste. For an aftertaste, it tasted pretty amazing.

"I used to work in a bakery." He said meeting my eyes and smiled. I checked the clock on the wall.

"Crap, I've got to get going. Thanks for the lovely breakfast." I said getting up and I kissed his cheek. His cheeks were turning a reddish tint.

"Yeah, I'll get going too. I'll see you later, yeah?" He asked. I nodded. I headed out and forgot I left my car at the Dolan's house.

"Erm, Harry?" I asked. He gave me a slight nod indicating he was listening. "I left my car at the party." I said looking down.

He walked over to the passenger seat and opened it for me. I mumbled a 'thanks' and got in. I gave him the directions to school.

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