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"Louis?" I asked and dropped the box to hug him but my actions got stopped when he held his hand up motioning stop. I felt rejected once again.

Why must I feel so rejected towards a boy who I thought was once my best friend? Am I really that ugly? Am I really that unappealing that he must hate me? Does he still hate me for moving?

"Why?" My voice came out as a squeak. I have never felt so rejected by a boy before. I guess it hurts more since he was my best friend.

"Its for the best." He said staring out ahead of him. I shook my head. I just grabbed the box and headed up to Mel's apartment. I placed the box in her room.

I was holding in tears I was threatening to spill. Why must I cry over a boy? Because he was your best friend and you always had feelings for him.

No. I can't cry over a stupid boy. Meaningless words don't hurt as much as actions do. Yeah, it hurt when he put his hand up but, maybe he's doing it because he has a girlfriend?

Mel walked into the room and was by my side. "What happened, babez?" She asked and rubbed my arm up and down.

My bottom lip quivered. My vision was getting clouded by tears threatening to spill. "Its not a big deal." I said hoarsly as my throat was closing up on me.

"Tell me when you feel ready, okay? I'm always here for you. Remember our promise?" She said wiggling her eyebrows up. I giggled as the memory flashed in my mind.

"Let's finish this up, yeah?" I said and started moving furniture and decorating the house as she helped and organized her closet.

Once we finished, we took a look at the now furnished apartment. "We make a pretty good team." Mel said and highfived me.

I checked the time and my eyes widened. "Look Mel, it was fun and all but I should get going to the daycare." I said forgiving myself for having to leave in a rush.

"Its fine, I know how much those kids love you." She said pushing me out of the door. I laughed silently to myself and walked down to my car.

I drove to the daycare and signed in. "Miss Raven!" I heard the kids shout from the rug they sitting on.

"Hi, my little babies. How are you guys?" I asked going to sit in the middle of the circle.

"Good." They responded. I looked over to Tommy who hadn't looked up not once. He was sitting criss cross apple sauce with his back hunched over and his hands on his face while his arms were supported by his knees.

I crawled over to him. "Tommy?" I asked. His hair was covering his face. He hasn't looked up yet.

"Yes?" He responded and sniffled shortly after.

"Are you okay, baby?" I asked. He shook his head and his hair shook a bit to the side revealing a bruise. I gasped.

"Tommy, have the kids been bothering you again?" I asked.

"No." He said.

"Who did this?" I asked.

"I tripped." He said.

"I know you are lying. But, please tell me before it gets worse okay?" I said. He nodded slightly. I sighed.

"Line up. Line up. Line up. Everybody line up." I sang rounding everybody up with the bubble guppy song. The kids scrambled to be the first in line.

I opened the door for everyone to go outside for recess. I decided to call Tommy's mom just to see if it would cheer him up.

"Hello, may I ask whom is speaking?" I heard on the other line.

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