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I stood up to answer the call. I grabbed my phone off the table and went inside the kitchen to block out the loud noise coming from the movie.

"Hello?" I speak into the phone not recognizing the number that popped up.

"Raven, we need you to come to the daycare asap. We have a situation.." Susan's voice wavered as if she were staring in fear.

"Why, what happened?" I asked getting worried that one of my babies got hurt.

"Its Tommy....he-" Susan got cut herself off by telling the kids to go away and leave someone alone.

"Susan! Tell me what happened, you know I care deeply for Tommy." I shouted into the phone.

"Come over and I'll tell you." She exclaimed making me grow frustrated.

"Susan, I swear to god if you don't tell what the hell happened to Tommy right now, you will not like me when I get over there." I threatenedalready annoyed with my co-worker.

"He's injured, Raven. He needs you..." Susan whispered into the phone as if someone would hear her.

"I'm on my way." I hung up and grabbed my keys causing a stir in the living room.

"Where are you going?" Both of them asked in sync. They both eyed each other weirdly and said 'whoa' putting their hands up in defense.

"Tommy needs me." I said heading out the door recieving a message on my phone while I backed out of the driveway. I didn't bother checking it because, all that was on my mind was Tommy.

I sped through the red lights not bothering to stop when I have a child injured. A child who is my friend.  That child is Tommy. And Tommy is my friend. He needs me and I'm willing to get tickets just as long as he is okay.

I arrive at the daycare slamming my car door shut and enter the playroom to find Tommy sitting in his corner covering his ears with his hand with his eyes squeezed shut.

As I got closer, I noticed he had a bruise on his cheek and his clothes were bloody and torn. Susan was in the other room hiding all of the kids as she hid behind them. Coward.

"Tommy, baby please look at me. It's Raven." I cooed with a soft voice trying not to startle him.

He slowly lifted his head up and his eyes lit up once he saw me. I took in his appearance a bit more noticing the dullness of his eyes, a cut in his lip and his weak state.

"Miss Raven, I missed you.." His voice cracked multiple times as if he had been crying for too long.

"Come here, baby. What happened?" I asked bringing him into a hug feeling his fragile arms wrap around my neck.

I carried him into my car after I got his bag remembering I have some of his clothes from when he stayed over.

"M-mommy said not to say a word." He snifled pouting his lip afterwards.

"You can trust me. I won't tell anyone." I assured giving him a small smile.

"So, the monster won't hurt me if I tell you?" His eyes looked around in fear that something might jump out at him.

"No, because I will be here to protect you." I affirmed the little boy looking up at me with a hint of hope in his dull sea marine eyes.

"Well, mommy and the monster got mad at me because, I accidently spilled water on the monsters 'important stuff' and he and mommy got mad at me so they hit me.." He explained quoting 'important stuff' with his chubby little fingers.

"Tommy, you could've called the police or even me. I would've been able to protect you baby." I looked at the child through the rear view mirror every once in a while seeing him wince when he looked at his injuries.

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