Chapter 4: The Amazons

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"Do you think he'll ever wake up", a voice spoke bringing me back from darkness. First lesson we learn as thiefs is always make sure you asked you situation or surroundings.

"Yes, I checked if his heart was still beating. So far it still his", another voice answered. The two voice was feminine. They must be the Amazonian women of the place. I slowly opened my eyes and was graced to a nice sight.

A woman was leaning over me and exposed her cleavage as she studied me. She leaped back startled. A girl near the same age drew a knife next to her. She looked familiar. Probably one of the girls that got hit by the Fury. I looked down and gave a yelp or surprise. I was naked. The woman who jumped from me handed me a cloak as I blushed feverishly. They must have needed to crack the bones back into place. Not what I was hoping I was going to wake up to. I wrapped the thing around me and looked around.

We were in a jungle based tree house of a sort. The room had a bed, chair, a small clay oven and a window. Vines were laced around the wood that covered the wooden floor and ceilings. It was nice too, like a small cottage on a cool day. I saw none of my gear and felt even more naked. Pun intended.

"Your weapons are in the armory. And Atermis rightful weapon is with our Queen. You have to meet her", the girl said. I noticed she was my age and the woman must have been an older relative or sibling.

"Well since I don't have any clothes I won't be going anywhere", I stated coolly. The woman growled.

"Men are foolish when it comes to power. We women have the power here, learn your place and be gracious that our Queen hadn't you shackled to serve us here", she retorted sharply. I grew irritated and dropped the cloak concealing my body.

"Since I have nothing to hide. I matter as well see her like this", I said, a pissed. The Amazonian girl blushed and averted her gaze, while the woman threw me some trousers. I slipped them on and looked down at my bare chest.

"No shirt", I asked. The woman shot me a furious look.

"Men here don't were shirts. It makes it easier to whip or cut them", she hissed. I frowned,

"What have these men ever done to you", I asked feeling bad for these poor men.

"We only keep men who tried to kill or steal from us. So I suggest you keep you sticking fingers to yourself", the girl said finally turning back around. It was the moment I realized how cute she looked. Her high cheekbones and smooth honey brown skin mixed well together. Her soft dark grey eyes and full brown thick hair made me feel attracted to her. I felt the other woman's dark glare when the girl blushed underneath my gaze. I blinked and looked away, but not before she glanced hurriedly at my well muscled chest. Not use to boys her age I guess.

"Well then", I coughed nervously, "take me to your Queen", I said pointedly. The woman gave me a disgusted look, turned to the door and opened it. I didn't see any ground so when I assumed we were in a tree I was right. They jumped onto the ground heavily and waited for me. I jumped down easily and saw the dissapointed look on the woman's face when I did break anything.

I still felt the pain in my back and shoulder but it felt better than it did before. The woman led the way and the girl trailed behind next to me. The Amazonian women had a neat place. I looked to the right as far as I could and see other three houses and a huge brick wall surrounding everything. A couple of younger girls near the age of 12 were fighting with an older woman. She was showing then how to hold a sword and use it. I was amazed to find many other sections like this with older girls and women. But what really irked my interest were shirtless men, with orange dull pants and some sort of brand on their neck. One gave me a pitied look. He thinks I'm be one of them, he better think again.

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