Chapter 7: Oderus's Favor

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"Excuse my friends manners of not asking but I'm in bit of a rush", I said to Oderus. His dark eyes fell onto my face. The star shaped scar on his face was flushed in a deep dark red. His face was unreadable which made it hard to see if could trust him.

"I want to know where Procrustes is", I said leaning closer. He looked at me warily.

"What's in it for me. I don't just give stuff even information away for free", he replied and pointed to his shabby clothes and skinny arms.

"I want a full meal of course, a couple of gold coins, and a tinsy favor before I tell you where he is", he said narrowing his eyes. I debated in stabbing him in his hand and then demanded him to tell me then. But alas, I didn't fancy torturing someone. I placed ten gold coins on the table.

"Enough for a full meal and to get you some clothes. Now what's that favor", I snarled. He grinned and grabbed the money as if I was going to take it back.

"I heard from your very friendly chatty friend Colt, here that you are a thief", he said giving Colt as wide smile. I gave Colt a scowl. Barely even knew the guy and he was already tell ole trash here that I was a thief.

"Colt. You and your sister head upstairs and clean up while we negotiate a deal", I said. Diya slapped him on the back of the head, and gave him a 'you screwed up' look before leaving. Darius sat to my right and Draea to my left.

"What is this favor Oderus",

"Well there is a man by the name Micheal Conver. He is a filthy rich ma-",

"Yeah I know him. But what is it you want with him", I said waving my hand at him to hurry up. Michael never left my memory for the past four months.

"Well. Tonight there is some kind of rich party at his house and while he's distracted with guest I thought it'll be good if you stole something back which is rightfully mine", he spoke in a hushed tone. I felt uneasiness as he continued,

"What is it", Draea said annoyed. Oderus gave her a cold look before continuing.

"It's a sword that I owned while I was working for Procrustes. It saved my life more times then I can count. I sold it to him when I got to weak from hunger. Damn bastard had offered a silver coin for it and I was to weak to argue. Steal it back and I'll tell you where Procrustes lives, where he keeps his treasury and even his prisoners, just get it back and I'll tell you anything you want", he said.

I thought about this for a moment. What are the risks. I could get stabbed, break a bone, get caught and thrown in jail,...or I could get my revenge. Michael was the man who had Sara stabbed. It was on constant replay in my mind for three months. The way she screamed my name,...the way the blood poured out of her. But what did I do. I let his men attack me. Let them beat me bloody and tried to let death wrap its hold on me. Unfortunately I couldn't die that day, I had to heal and leave. Ethiopia reminded me of her too much. It was already difficult to walk back through those gates.

"I'll do it. But I won't kill Michael for you", I finally answered. Draea gave me an alarmed look and touched my arm. It sent waves of pleasure in my body.

"You sure. His mansion is heavily guarded", she said worriedly. I smiled, and nodded.

"Nothing I didn't dealt with before. Besides me and Michael have and overdued meeting", I soothing her worry. I might not kill Micheal for Oderus, but I'll sure as hell kill him for Sara. I never let her scream leave my heart. It pained me to think how helpless I was, and maybe killing him will make me feel better.

"Sayre you have the look of a killer right now", Draea said softly and pulled me off to the side. I could see she knew that Michael wasn't going to live to see tomorrow.

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