Chapter Ten: Choose

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I don't remember getting knocked out but I sure did wake up in a room with bandages on my body. My left arm was in a cast and my ankle felt stiff and weak while a long thin bandage taped from my shoulder to my stomach. Must've gotten cut. I looked up and jumped in shock. Atermis sat in a chair on the right side of my bed. She smiled showing a perfect row of white teeth.

"Did I scare you", she chuckled. I rolled my eyes,

"Yeah I guessed you did. What happened", I asked and winced when I leaned up to face her. Worry showed on her face, but she didn't say anything about my moving.

"Well I did as you and got the girl Draea to do something with that ring. Thankfully she reached you in time before they killed you. You were knocked out from the blow of an guard, but on the plus side Draea didn't need the ring. Your friends aided her in killing them", she said somewhat in admiration. So they finished them, that's good.

"What about Procrustes. Is he dead", I asked. She shook her head.

"He got away after we went to help you",

"Wait a second you went to help your son who you gave away", I said a little angry at the sudden change of heart. She flinched and sighed. She looked older than she really looked. To be honest she looked a little over my age.

"I want to make amends Sayre. When I gave you up, I gave you up for a reason. You're my first child, and your father as you should know is Hermes-",

"Hermes", I asked shocked. She nodded grimly.

"His slick words and my drunken state didn't mix well. That's why you're so good at stealing. Sayre you're a Potential", she said and waited. I frowned,

"What's a Potential. And if I was a chik of two gods then why am I human", I asked trying to grasp the answer on my own.

"A Potential is a child born of the gods, who can choose to be human or a god. And if you don't I could just grant you your heritage, making you a demigod. I wonder what abilities you'll possess", she wondered aloud. I couldn't believe it. I'm the spawn of two gods.

"I hope you know I need time to think on this. It'll be the biggest choice of my life", I said feeling stuck in this situation. She nodded reassuringly.

"I know. But that aside we need to get you ready", Atermis said and stood up and stretched her arms.

"For what", I asked and swung my feet over the bed, and when I did I regretted it. Pain lurched up my body and I whimpered.

"To accept you as my child and give you your heritage. Hermes was waiting on me to give it to you. Not to be rude but he doesn't care either way", she spat at his name.

"Alright. So my friends are okay. Right? And where am I", I asked looking around at the incredibly white room.

"Yes, you're friends are still on Earth. We however is on Olympus", she and and placed her hands on either side of my head.

"This might hurt", she said. I grabbed her arms and shook my head.

"I didn't say I was going to... Arrrgh", the pain set into my head and spread down into my body. I screamed and tried to push her away but I couldn't move my arms.

Eventually the pain was gone and I layed panting on the bed. I wanted to throttle my mother for this.

"Stand up Sayre", she commanded. I stood and realized I felt fine. I ripped the cast off and then applied pressure to my ankle. It felt fine. I ripped the bandage of and saw an already healed scar. I raised my eyebrows at her.

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