~Nice To See You Again!~

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Arin Hanson

It was your first day at work.

You were given a small run down by Barry, on what things they were looking for. As well as, for things to cut out.

As you were editing one of their latest videos, you heard footsteps behind you. You felt someone put weight on the back of your chair. Pulling you backwards a little bit.
"Whatcha' up to." You heard the person say. You recognized the voice to be Arin's.
"Adding some weird thing y'all asked for me to do. Already pushing me the first day, huh?" You chuckle. Arin snickers.
"Well of course, gotta make sure your always willing to deal with our bullshit, ya know." Arin said smiling. You laughed.

It was a positive exchange of emotions in these few moments. It felt very surreal and nice.

"I'm close to finishing up the video though, I got about...," You look at the time left in the video editor. "10 more minutes. Once I'm finished I'm gonna grab some lunch. I'm freakin starving!" You say.
"How about you and I go grab some Arby's or something? I'm pretty hungry myself." Arin asks slyly. You smile, as you turn to look at him.
"I'd like that. But I'm paying." You respond.
"Oh you're silly if you think I'm gonna let you pay." And says chuckling.
"Rock, paper, scissors?" You say as you hold your arm out.
"Best 2 out of 3?" He asks.
"You're on."

Unfortunately you lost to Arin, during your rock, paper, scissors battle. But you would most definitely get him next time.

Danny Avidan

Today was one of your days off from YouTube. So you decided to take a nice stroll down to your local park.
You put your earbuds into your ears with some TWRP and NSP songs. You hummed the lyrics and melodies in each song.

You sat down in a slightly secluded area and started to sing softly. Taking in the sunset, looking up at all the soft pink clouds.

Seeing as you still had your earbuds in, you couldn't tell if anyone was walking towards you. It was up until someone sat down next to you that you realised you weren't alone. You looked to the right where you saw Danny sitting across from you. You slowly take one earbud out.

"Hey again." You said sweetly.
"Hiya. I heard my songs once again, so I decided to stroll over and see the culprit. You have some beautiful singing by the way." Danny says softly.
You smile widely at his compliment to you. He smiles back at you.
"Well I mean I'm sitting here with the master of singing." You say with a chuckle.
"Oh please, it only took me 8 years to master the skill. I'm just like anyone else really." Dan chuckles as he looks up at the clouds as they change in hue.

You both just sit in silence for five minutes, just admiring the sky and nature around you.

"I'm sorry for not speaking much. Nature is usually where I come to clear my mind. I love just sitting here and admiring the scenery." You apologise as you and Dan share eye contact.
"I guess that makes two of us." Dan replied with a smile. You smiled back lovingly.

Ross O'Donovan

You and Ross exchanged many texts after your meeting. Most of them happened to be memes or some deep conversations with audio messages. You had been talking for over a month now.

Today you went to your local McDonald's to grab some grub. You hadn't eaten all day and you were starving. You decided to go inside to order. You had time to spare so you were just going to sit inside and eat.

You ordered your usual meal and sat down at a booth. You took out your phone as you browsed through twitter, tumblr and other various social medias. Suddenly you heard someone sit down in front of you. You looked up to reveal the boy you haven't stopped texting, Ross.

"Oh hi! What brings you here?" You ask. He smiles and responds,
"I just came to grab some lunch while I was on my break. And I noticed you sitting here.". You smile sweetly as you take another bite of your food. "I'm surprised you remembered what I look like." You replied with a chuckle.
"Of course. You're a beautiful young woman. Nobody can forget you." He responded and smirked. You blush and smile sweetly, looking away feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Well you're a handsome young man." You look back at him as he smiles widely at you.

You and Ross talk more extensively about bigger topics, giving each other compliments here and there. Both of you end up having to leave sooner than you wanted, but you both promise to talk to each other later tonight.

Barry Kramer

After meeting Barry at the party you went to, Mark hasn't stopped teasing you about him.

"You know you think he's cute (Nickname)!" Mark teases you for what feels the hundredth time.
"I never said he wasn't!" You groan but smile at Mark's antics.
"Lucky for you, we're going over the grump space today to grab a camera. I need to record a skit, and I need one of their cameras." He says with a devilish smirk.
"We!? When did I agree to this?" You question with a confused smile.
"Just now." Mark replies with a smile.

You roll your eyes at your best friend.
Both of you start getting ready to leave, when Mark stops you.
"I promise not to embarrass you, only when we're home will I do that." He reassures you, which is always nice.
You nod and smile. It's always nice to have a friend like Mark who cares about your well being. You both get in Mark's car and listen to some of your favorite tunes.

Once you arrive at the office, you politely follow behind Mark as he makes most of the interactions. Of course you interact with everyone as well. While Mark is off talking to Ross about World of Warcraft, you're rummaging through the kitchen.

"Hungry?" You hear a voice say behind you. You turn to look at who it is, it's your favorite bearded man. Barry.
"Starving." You reply chuckling. You grab some hotdogs out of the fridge, along with your favorite condiments.
"I bet I can eat more hotdogs than you." Barry says jokingly.
"Oh really now? So you can eat more that 6 hot dogs and not wanna die?" You tease jokingly as you make your hotdogs in the microwave.
"Oh hell yea." He smirked and scrunched his face at the same time.
"I'd like to see that." You joked.
"You're on. Just not today. But you're so on." He chuckles.

You see Mark in the corner of your eyes still talking to Ross, but Danny has joined the conversation. You start to wonder how long you'll be here. You wont mind because it gives you more of an excuse to talk to Barry. Suddenly you hear the microwave beep behind you. You spin quickly and open the microwave.

You grab your food and continue speaking to Barry. About new game releases as well as some animes.


This took me way too long to redo. Considering I fell asleep during it lmao. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy. Love y'all, stay hydrated ❤️

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