~When You Get Sick~

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guess who's back, back again, my dumbass. enjoy you bagel bites

Arin Hanson

After coming home from a family event, you had caught what you originally thought was just a cold. So you continued to go to work and take medicine when you could. It was only till today that your body couldn't take much more. You felt so nauseous and you woke up vomiting. So you ended up calling off for the day, everyone understanding completely. Arin even promised to come to your place after work to make sure you were doing okay.

You had spent most of your day in bed, your trashcan at the end of it in case you needed to vomit and couldn't make it to the bathroom. You couldn't stomach anything at all and really only drank water. You continued to watch what you had on TV until you heard a knock at your door. "Hey babydoll, it's your favorite person comin' to check up on ya'," Arin says as he enters your apartment. You would speak but your throat hurts too much to do so. Arin opens your bedroom door softly and peeks in. You wave your hand tiredly. "Hi, hun. How are you feeling?" He asks sweetly. You make a thumbs down motion with your hand. "Sore throat?" He questions. You nod in response. "Can I get you something to eat?" Arin asks. He always made sure everything you wanted, was something you would receive. So this was normal for him to ask 20 thousand questions at once. You nodded your head no but pointed to your almost empty glass of water. He nodded in response understand what you wanted. "Can you stomach medicine at all?" You reply by nodding your head. Arin replies with a quick 'ok' and grabs your water and leaves your room to go retrieve medicine for you.

A couple of minutes pass and he comes back into your room and lays everything down on your nightstand. "Here you go my sweet baby. I hope you feel better." He says as you take his hand and rub your thumb on the back of his hand.

Danny Avidan

You alerted your fans on twitter and other social medias that you weren't feeling to hot so you were gonna take some time off. And not only did that gain the attention of your fanbase, but it also gained the quick attention of your boyfriend. Danny texted you, letting you know that when he got home from the Grumps that he would make sure to stop by. You were able to do normal things, such as talk, eat, drink. You just felt fatigued and nauseous. You loved how much Danny cared for you even when you could easily take care of things like this. 

Hours pass as you wait for Danny to get home, you sat down at your couch, catching up on other content on youtube that you've been missing, when you suddenly here a knock at your door. "Come in." You say loud enough for the person on the otherside of the door to hear, knowing that it was Danny. You had given him a spare key a while back so you weren't surprised when you heard the lock unlatch. "Hey, sugar pea. How are you feeling?" Danny asks sweetly as he places his jacket and belongings on the hooks near your door. "I'm doing alright. Just tired and a little woozy. I'm glad your here though." You say holding your arms out, wanting him to come to cuddle you. Danny quickly took his shoes off and climbed onto the couch with you. He wrapped his arms around you almost immediately and snuggled close to you. "Why didn't you tell me you were sick at all?" He asks. "I honestly just thought it was a cold, but now it seems a little more than that. So I originally wasn't that worried about it." You say as Danny hums in understanding.
"I'm just glad you're not puking your brains out." He says with a chuckle. "Me too man. Me too." You reply.

Ross O'Donovan

You had seasonal allergies which made you sneeze super often. You can spend a whole 10 minutes just sneezing. So after getting annoyed of it you decided to go out an buy some allergy meds. Just as you were getting ready to leave Ross comes out of his office, "Where are you going, babe?" He asks while yawning. "I was gonna go to the pharmacy down the street and buy some meds for my sneezing. It's driving me nuts." You say grabbing your phone off the kitchen counter. "Oh shit I forgot to tell you that I bought you a crap ton. They're in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom." He says while motioning to the bathroom. "Well shit, alright then. Guess who's gonna consume them faster than Sonic the Hedgehog consumes rings." You say as you place your belongings down on the counter. Ross laughs in response, "Please make sure to only take what is directed. I don't want to take you to the hospital and explain to the doctors that you tried consuming them like Sonic." He says. "Fine, fine. Only for you, ya dweeb." You say jokingly. "Nerd." He retorts.

Barry Kramer

After Mark had come home from a convention, he ended up giving you whatever sickness he had. Even if he tried his absolute hardest not to spread it. So to prevent it spreading even farther, you stayed home and tried to resist visiting the Grump Space. You let Barry know that you hadn't been feeling well and that you didn't want to get him sick. Of course, he didn't listen to you today when he came over.

He came over with a little gift package for you. He brought your favorite candies, drinks, and medicine he thought you might need. He made sure to shower you in cuddles and kisses. While also making sure that he wasn't going to get sick himself. "Thank you so much, baby. I really appreciate you doing this for me." You say as you snuggle close to him. "Anything for you." He replies.


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