~Short Adorable Moments~

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Arin Hanson

You were looking through the fridge, trying to find something to please your starvation. You grab some milk and some cereal and start putting them into a bowl. That's when you felt arms wrap around you from behind, which startled you a little bit. "Jesus Christ Arin." You say chuckling as he places his head on your shoulder. You can feel his beard poking at your through your shirt. "Sorry, did I scare ya?" He asks. "Yes, yes you did. While I'm trying to make cereal of all things." You say after releasing from his grasp to put both the milk and cereal away. You walk back over to him and hug him tightly. He squeezes you with the same force, effectively cutting off your air supply for a second. "Knocked the wind outta you there." He says with a chuckle. "You're gonna kill me one of these days I swear." You say as you lean up to kiss him on the cheek. Instead, he catches you with his lips. After releasing from the kiss you say something to Arin that makes him laugh, "You're such a jackass you know that?". "You love it though." He replies. "Yes, and I wouldn't want our relationship any other way." You say with a smile. 

Danny Avidan

You had stayed the night at Danny's apartment and it was a slight mess. From the previous night before, because you had fallen asleep with the popcorn bowl in your hand. So while Danny was at work you decided to take it upon yourself to help tidy up his place for him. You turned on some Ninja Sex Party to listen to as you waltzed back and forth around his living room trying to clean up your mess. You were singing along to one of the cover songs that he did, which was 'Rock With You'. You had picked up a remote next to you and started to use it as a microphone as you lip-synced some parts. Other parts you actually sang, which caused you to be louder than you thought because you hadn't noticed that Danny arrived home sooner than you planned. You immediately felt your face get hot as you just stare at Danny who was leaning on his front door. "You're so adorable you know that right? Sitting here singing to my music. It's so precious." He says walking over to you and placing a kiss on the top of your head. "To be completely fair, I was cleaning up my mess and got a little distracted." "I'm a little sad I got to miss the previous songs you were singing to. But now that I'm here, would you like to dance?" He asks while turning on his song 'I Just Wanna Dance'. You take his hands as you both dance together horribly. 

Ross O'Donovan

Ross had been in his office animating for his one Youtube series so you took it upon yourself to watch the VR episode that Ross had put on his channel. It was the one that was your little gift was featured in, but it was also the same one where you both did a horror map together. You were laughing your ass off at Ross' reactions to the jumpscares. You continued watching the video without realizing that Ross had walked out of his office and wandered over toward you. He kissed your head which startled you a tiny bit. "Enjoying my fear from the other night?" He asks as he chuckles. "Oh definitely. I'm cringing at mine though." You say as you stand up from the couch and stretch. "I thought it was cute, plus it made me feel better that I wasn't the only baby." He says while getting himself a drink from the kitchen. "Hey, I'm not a baby." You jokingly pout. "No, but you're my baby." He says walking over to your and giving you a kiss, "I'll give you that one, you pain in my ass." You say as you both laugh together. 

Barry Kramer

Mark was out of the house, so you were just laying on the couch watching some TV. Suddenly you heard a knock at the door and went to go see who it was. You opened the door to see Barry standing there with two pizzas. "Pizza delivery?" He says cutely. You gesture for him to come inside the house, "What kind of pizza?" You ask as he places them down on the coffee table. "Plain and pepperoni. Nothing fancy, cause I wasn't sure what toppings you liked." He says as he wanders over to the kitchen to grab plates and napkins. "I can work with that, so what's the occasion that you decided to stop in?" You ask as you sit back down on the couch. "Just wanted to see my favorite girl since I had the time." He says walking over to you, placing down the plates and napkins.  You look at him as he sits next to you, he grabs your hands and kisses you. "I love you so much." You say, "I love you the most." He says as you fangirl on the inside.  


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