I Want You

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Sarah's POV

Dave and I ran down allies and back streets. I looked behind to see the paparazzi still following us.

Do they ever quit?

We ran for another few blocks before I felt like my lungs were on fire. We got to the Starbucks 5 blocks from school when I had to stop. "Dave. Wait." I let go of his hand and pressed my back to the wall. "I'm sorry." I said breathlessly.

"Are you okay?" He asked catching his breathe. I couldn't respond so I just shook my head. "What's wrong?" He walked over and examined me.

"It's my ribs. I'm sorry. I just need a quick break." I said as my breathing finally returned to normal.

"Oh crap. I'm so sorry Sarah!" He looked at me guiltily.

"It's okay." I said standing up straight. "I'm okay." Without warning he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't think there would be any paparazzi but clearly I was wrong. You shouldn't have to deal with them. I'm sorry." He whispered into my ear.

"It's okay." I whispered back. "I know privacy isn't as easy for you as it is for me. I don't blame you for running."

He pulled away and looked at my eyes. "What?"

"Nothing." He stuttered out.

"You sure? You don't seem like it's nothing." I said as I put my hand against his cheek. He reached up and put his hand over mine.

"It's just...... I know this isn't easy for you. And that things have been crazy lately. I feel like out of everyone I know and use to know, you are the only one who I feel like doesn't want anything. Everyone I'm around either wants an autograph, a picture, an interview or an audition. You...... I know you aren't with me because of fame. And that simple fact....." He shook his head with a smile on his face. With my hand still on his cheek, he pulled me into his chest and placed his lips on mine.

We pulled away and pressed our foreheads together. "This feels so unreal." I whispered.

"What do you mean?" He whispered back.

"You and me."

"You still don't understand why I like you." He said more of a statement than a question.

"It's just..... Why me? I mean, you are famous.  Why would a guy like you, like a girl like me?"

"When I'm around you Sarah, I feel normal. I feel like an actual kid. I don't feel like an actor."

"You make it sound like you hate being an actor."

He looked at his hands before sighing and responding. "It's not that I hate being an actor. I love my job. It's just sometimes I miss my old life. I miss being able to go out to eat without being bombarded by girls. I actually miss going to school. I miss being able to take an amazing girl out on a date without running from the paparazzi. I miss real friendships. I can't help but feel like as an actor my friends aren't really my friends. Ever since I started acting, you are the only person who I've been around that hasn't made me feel like that. You make me feel like I haven't felt in a long time. You make me feel normal."

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