Home Sweet Home

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated. It's been kinda crazy! Thanks for be patient so here is an extra long chapter! Just for you! Thanks for reading!


Sarah's POV

It's been 4 days since the accident and I feel as good as new. Well with the occasional headache and my ribs are still sore but of course I wouldn't let my mom, dad, doctor or Dave know.

Dave Franco stays all day and only leaves to get food or get sleep. At first I thought it was kind of sweet but now it's just annoying. He always asks how I'm doing. It's sweet that he cares but I know he has a life so I don't know why he is still here. He is a actor for crying out loud.

My mom was down in the cafeteria getting something to eat when Dave walked in with his hands behind his back. Oh no.... "Hey" he smiled.

I cleared my throat. "Hi."

"How ya feeling?" He asked rocking back and forth.

"Good." He gave me the 'I know you're lying" look. I scoffed. "I'm fine! Really. It's been 4 days since you barely tapped me"

"Barely tapped you?!? You hit my hood then rolled off!" Aaand he's freaking out. Awesome.

"Dave. Please." I put my hand on my head as I laid back. I could feel a headache coming on.

"Sorry" he whispered sitting down.

I was about to reply when the doctor walked in. "Hi Sarah!" I nodded slightly, stopping when the pain increased. "I've got some good news! You are clear to go home."

"Really?!" I sat up quickly, regretting it almost instantly.

The doctor laughed. "Yes but you are still going to have to be careful. I suggest not going to school until next week or until whenever you feel best."

Now it was my turn to laugh, "Good thing there is a movie being filmed for the next two weeks. It would be one but their star has been out." I said the last part turning towards Dave with my eyebrows raised. He cleared his throat.

"Good. All I need is your mother or father to sign some papers." He smiled.

"My dad is at work but my mom is in the cafeteria."

"I can go get her." The doctor and I turned towards Dave.

"Thanks. I will be right back." The doctor nodded as he left.

"You really don't have to..."

"I want to. Plus I was gonna go get a soda anyway." He shrugged. Ugh why is he still here?

"Okay." And then he left. I let out a sigh. I still don't get why he hasn't left yet. I mean it was sweet of him to stay and all but I know he has much more important things to do. Sighing I leaned back onto my pillow.

The door swung opened to reveal my mother with a huge grin on her face. I couldn't help but laugh. "Hi mom."

"Hi sweatheart!" Yep she was happy. "You ready to go home?"

"Yep!" I laughed.

The door opened once more. "You are all checked out Sarah." Said Dr. Morgan with a smile on his face. I thanked him as him, Dave and my mom left so I can change. I pulled the covers to the side and slide around so my feet were touching the cold floor. Sighing, I pushed myself to standing with all the strength that I could gather. Once I had successfully stood up I started to slip on my jean short shorts under my hospital gown. I then pulled it off and started to pull my Summer Set concert T-shirt when I gasped in pain.

Got Ran Over By Dave FrancoWhere stories live. Discover now