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Hey guys so this is the last chapter. 😥 But comment if you think I should write an epilogue!!

Sarah's POV

"Come on Sarah. It's your senior prom. You should go sweetie." My mom sighed as we walked through the mall.

"Why? It's not like anyone is going to ask me to dance." I mumbled. I jumped as my phone started ringing. I took it out of my pocket but sighed when I saw who was calling.

"You should answer him." My mom said before walking into a store. I hesitated but right as I was about to answer, it stopped.

"Well, solved that problem." I mumbled before putting my phone back and going inside the store to find my mom.

As I walked around the store not really looking, I felt my phone vibrate. When I looked at it, I had a voicemail from Dave.

"Hey Sarah. I know you are probably ignoring me but I really want to see you. I really want to explain....... I know you don't think we could make it work but I know we could. I even have an idea on how we could do it. Please call me back...... I miss you."

His voice made my heart break. I took a deep breathe before hitting his contact.

"Sarah!! I'm so happy you called. How... How are you?" His voice made me smile.

"I'm......doing alright Dave. How are you?"

"You and I both know that if I said I was doing alright, we would both be lying." There was a silence because we both knew he was right.

"Sarah?" His voice softened.


"Do you...... Do you not want to be with me? If you do, please tell me. I'll try my best to understand."

"It's not that Dave." To be honest I wasn't sure what it was. I wanted to be with him, I really did but something was holding me back.

"Then what is it?" I bite my lip as I tried to think of an answer.

"It's just..... I don't really know how my life is going. I know that doesn't make sense but I'm just really confused. I don't know what I'm doing anymore. Things have been so crazy the last couple of years that I feel like I need to get my head on straight. I've been stuck the past couple of months and I don't know why." I sighed.

"I do." I could picture him shrugging. "You're scared Sarah. Scared to move on."

"Move on? From what?" I could tell he was hinting at something but I wasn't catching on.

"Kyle's death."

And at that moment I knew he was right.

I've been in limbo the past two years, afraid to move on with my life. Afraid that if I moved on, it would be like forgetting him. Forgetting my brother. If that happens...... I would never forgive myself.

Kyle is the reason I can't let Dave into my life.

I can't have Dave without completely losing Kyle. And I can't keep my brother without losing Dave.

I had to choose.

"Sarah? Are you okay? Look, I'm sorry if I crossed the line. I was just trying......"

"It's fine. I ummm I got to go." I quickly hung up and decided to turn my phone off.

I was biting back tears when my mom came up with a dress in her arms. "Sarah. Please try this on. It would look gorgeous on you."

It was a gorgeous strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline. It was a soft blue that was tight around the bodice but had a tulle skirt that flared out at the hips. It had crystals thicker at the top and spread out when it got to the bottom.

Got Ran Over By Dave FrancoWhere stories live. Discover now