Back To Reality

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Sarah's POV

It's been three days since Dave's interview. Dave has been trying to reach me but I keep letting it go to voicemail. He had to go do a few interviews in New York so he hasn't been able to come see me. And I've been avoiding all his calls and texts so he hasn't been able to get a hold of me either.

After I ran out of the studio, I got a cab home. When I got home my eyes were red from trying not to cry in the taxi. My parents asked me what was wrong when I walked in but I just shook my head and ran upstairs. I locked myself in the bathroom, removed my clothes and makeup and as soon as the warm water hit my skin I started sobbing.

When I got out and got dressed I went right to bed. My parents didn't bother me. They must have suspected something happened between me and Dave. I fell asleep the night to the sounds of my iPod and my sobs.

I woke up the next morning to someone rubbing my shoulder. I opened my eyes surprised to see it was my dad.

"Sarah? Are you okay? You didn't come down for dinner." He asked concerned.

"I'm fine." My voice betrayed me. It sounded rough and dry like I had drunk sand.

"What happened?" He pushed. "Did Dave....."

"Yes dad! It's because of Dave!" I shot up in bed and yelled. "Are you happy?! He is a selfish actor who only wanted to screw me!" I threw off my covers and locked myself in the bathroom. I put my back to the door and slide down it. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried.

I knew that wasn't true. I'm the reason we broke up. If you can even call it that. We've only known each other for a few weeks but I feel like we've know each other for years.

I heard a knock at the door but ignored it. "Sarah, Dave is on the phone for you." I covered my mouth to try to stop the sob.

"Sweetie, I really think you should talk to him." I heard her sigh. "I'm sorry hun. She isn't feeling very well...... Okay, I'll tell her. Alright bye."

I felt my mom push my phone underneath the door. "I think you should at least read some of the messages Dave sent you. I know you feel like you aren't meant to be together but honey, he really cares about you." I heard her walk away as I grabbed my phone. Tears continued to stream down my cheeks as I scrolled through the messages.

Are you okay?

I love you.

Sarah, what's going on?

I love you.

Please answer me.

I love you.


I love you.

Is this about what we talked about at the studio? If it is, it's not true. You are worth it.

I love you.

Please, Sarah. I need to talk to you.

I love you.

Why won't you answer me?

I love you.

I'm not going to stop trying Sarah.

Got Ran Over By Dave FrancoDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora