Waking Up To A Big Surprise

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My eyes fluttered open but I quickly closed them. When my eyes adjusted to the blinding white light I looked around. When I noticed where I was, I groaned.

A hospital room. Great.

"Will she be alright?" I noticed the voice as the guy who called the ambulance. And the guy who hit me.

"Yes. But we won't be able to really tell until she wakes up." Said another voice.

"Well when will that be?"

"It should be any moment. She didn't hit her head hard enough to be knocked out any longer. Don't worry. She will be just fine. Her parents are on their way so you could leave.."

"No. I feel like I need to stay and explain. " He cut him off.

"Of course, Mr. Franco."

Franco?? Wait... What??

"Let's go inside and check on her, shall we?" Said the voice that I'm guessing was the doctor. I shut my eyes pretending to be asleep. I heard the door slowly open and two sets of foot steps come in. I groaned and turned my head towards the door. I hesitantly opened my eyes, scared of what will be there when I open them.

"Hello Sarah. My name is Dr. Freeman. How are you feeling?" He said grabbing a pen from his pocket.

"Umm... My head hurts.... A little." I cleared my throat.

"Do you remember anything about the accident?"

I closed my eyes, trying to focus on everything that has happened in the past.....

Wait, how long have I been here? Obviously not long considering the fact that my parents aren't here yet. Oh no. My parents.

I didn't realize how long I've been thinking until Dr. Freeman said, "Sarah?"

"Oh... Ummm. I was running and then all of a sudden I wasn't running anymore. I was in the middle of the street. I remember hearing voices and a siren but then everything went black." I explained my eyes still closed.

"Miss Sanders, you were running in the middle of the street with no lights on at 5 o'clock at night. Sadly, Mr. Franco didn't see you and accidentally hit you. I know that he feels very bad." I scoffed.

"I really am." Dave Franco. Dave Freaking Franco was in my hospital room. Wait why am I acting like a fangirl?

"It's okay." I said with no expression on my face. I decided to mess with him a little bit. I tried to sit up but I fell back in pain. Pain that I wasn't faking. That didn't go as planned. Dave's eyes got bigger as he watched.

The doctor was instantly at my side with a nurse that I didn't even noticed came in. "Sarah, relax. You are going to be sore. You hit your head pretty hard and you broke 2 ribs." I groaned. That would've been nice to know.  I couldn't respond because we were interrupted by my freaked out mother.

"Oh my goodness. Where is my baby girl??? Oh Sarah!!!" She started to tear up.

"I'm fine, Mom." She grabbed my hand. My dad was quietly standing in the doorway.  It took me a second to realize what my dad was staring at. "Dad, don't. I'm fine." He was giving Dave the death stare. Dave noticed it too.

"So.... You must be the young man who is the reason my baby girl is in the hospital..."

"Dad, please don't get into this right now. I'm perfectly fine." I tried to stop him but of course he just ignored me.

"No, sweetie you aren't. You are in the hospital with a head injury and 2 broken ribs." My dad didn't even look my way.

"I really am sorry, sir. I didn't mean to. I swear I will do anything to make it up to you, your wife and your daughter. Anything...." Dave looked like he was about to pass out. Poor guy. My dad is not the easiest person to talk to.

"Ha! You think you could make it up to us?? You put my daughter in the hospital!!! You are down right demented!! She will never be the same! She is practically paralyzed now!! She..." Practically paralyzed??

That's it.

"HEY!!!!!" Finally he shut up. Everyone looked at me like they just realized I was there.

"Dad, he apologized!! Not to mention how many times he already said it to me!! AND he hasn't left yet! Give him a break!! My goodness! And I am perfectly fine!! I am NOT paralyzed. I am NOT any different then I was before and I am alive!! So will you just chill!!!"

I was out of breathe. Wow. I just blew up on my dad.... Awkward. I closed my eyes and slumped further into my hospital bed hoping I could just disappear. No success.

Damn it.

The doctor was the first to break the silence. "Sarah needs to get rest. Come with me Mr. Franco. We should give Sarah and her parents some time to their selves." Dave looked like he wanted to say something but just nodded. They quietly shut the door.

We sat there in silence. Finally I spoke first. "Look, I know that accidents are a touchy subject in this family but this one.... It wasn't just his fault. I'm sure he was speeding because he was late but I was the one running in the middle of the street in all black. It was a complete accident. Mom, I'm sorry for what I said at the house. It's was uncalled for. And Dad, the way you yelled at him was out of hand. He feels terrible and then you came in and killed him with your eyes and what you said to him.... There is no point in making him feel worse." A tear fell that I wasn't able to catch.

My mother was the next to speak. "She's right. I'm sorry too sweetheart. I shouldn't have focused on your brothers' death when I still had you. I'm so sorry for shutting down." This time I didn't try to stop the tears that came to my eyes. I gave my mom a hug. My father still hadn't said anything.

"Richard?" My mom whispered.

"Victoria." Ugh I hated when my dad did that.

My mom didn't like it either. "Richard Sanders. Do you have something you would like to say to your daughter?"

"I didn't insult HER, I insulted that boy out there." He put the emphasis on 'that boy' like he was talking about a disease.

"Then you need to apologize to him for your daughters sake." My mom was not giving up. Good for her.

My father decided to give up. Smart choice. "Fine." With that simple word he left the room. My mom turned to me with a triumphant smile. I couldn't help but laugh. She was back. After two long years my mother was finally back.

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