The Morning After

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Heyy guys!! Sorry it's been soooo long since I updated!! Here's anther chapter!! Thanks for being just overall amazing!! Luv ya!!


Sarah's POV

I woke up to the smell of bacon. I tried to sit up but something or someone was laying on me. I lift up my head to see Jake.

"Hey boy," his eyes shot towards me and his tail wagged. He then hopped off my bed and ran out my door. I then sat up but gasped and wrapped by arm around my ribs in pain. Then the memories of everything that has happened the past couple of days came flooding back.

The accident.

The pain.

The hospital.

Dave Franco.

Wait, Dave Franco? There is no way he is the reason I was in the hospital. I must have been hallucinating. I probably wasn't even in a car accident. Slowly I lifted up my shirt. Nope. I was. Dang it. I rubbed my eyes in frustration. I heard a light knock on my door. Then the door slowly opened.


"Hey mom," I smiled.

"Hey honey," her smile grew, "how are you feeling? I saw Jake run out so I figured you were awake." My mom then walked in with a platter of breakfast food. That answers the bacon smell mystery. "I made you breakfast." She held out the tray. This is why I love my mom.

"Thanks mom," I took the platter from her as she turned to walk out. "Wait, mom. Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, sweetie. What's up?" She said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Who..... Ummm how... Who hit me?" Her eyes widened.

"Do you not... Umm," she cleared her throat as I gripped the edge of my plate. "Dave Franco, honey." I groaned. "What's wrong Sarah?"

"Nothing. I just..... I really like him," I whined.

"And that's a problem because..."

"He's an actor, mom and I'm. Me"

"Sarah Ann Sanders," whoa she used my middle name. She NEVER calls me that. "You listen to me. You are an amazing girl and if he is too 'good for you' than he isn't worth your time. If he thinks he is in any shape or form better than you he has another thing coming. Any guy would be lucky to have a girl like you. If he doesn't like you, than he just lost an amazing kick-butt girl." I couldn't help but laugh.

"Thanks mom," I said giving her a hug.

"Anytime sweetheart. Eat your breakfast and than maybe if you're feeling good you can come with me to the store."

"Okay. Sounds good." I smiled as I watched her leave my room. I sat back and turned on my tv as I started eating my home-cooked meal.

"Breaking news: it is said that charming actor- Dave Franco was in a car accident that happened to be his fault. Sources say Mr. Franco actually put a teenage girl into the hospital. This mysterious girl is still unknown to the public. Stay tuned. Maybe we will meet her someday." I started chocking on my orange juice. How could people know about the accident?? Before I could try to revive myself from coughing up a lung my phone started ringing.

"Hello?" I said in a weak voice still coughing.

"Sarah? Are you okay?"

"Dave? I don't mean to sound rude but how do you have my number?" I asked once I finished coughing.

"Well...." He cleared his throat. " I kind of sent your contact to myself." There was an awkward silence.

"Oh. That's cool." Well this is awkward.

"Anyway, I called to see if you're still up for tonight. You don't have to, Sarah."


"I'm guessing that was James?" I chuckled.

"Ding ding ding we have a winner," we both started cracking up.

"We're still on for tonight. Who knows, it could be fun. "

"Sarah, it's my family. I'm about 100% positive James will make around 50 jokes about me hitting you."

"It's okay really, I can handle jokes." I got quiet as a picture of Kyle laughing came to mind. He use to crack so many jokes. I miss his stupid jokes. I miss his contagious laugh. I miss his smile that use to light up the room. I miss him.

"Sarah?" Dave's voice snapped me back to reality. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I barely got that out as I brushed a falling tear from my cheek. "I was just thinking about....."

"Kyle" He voice softened. It was a statement not a question. My silence confirmed his accusation.

"You're coming tonight! Whether you want to or not!" James voice came through the phone. He must have stolen the phone from Dave. My mood immediately changed.

"I'm coming tonight, I promise." I reply laughing.

"Pinky promise?" His voice sounded like a five year olds.

"Yes, I pinky promise. Over the phone," I said laughing.

"No crossies?"

I scoffed, "Seriously? Sure, no crossies."

"Yay!!! I LOVE you Sarah! Well not LOVE love you. More like love you like a sister. Now Dave on the other hand..." He couldn't finish the sentence because Dave stole his phone back.

"Soo I'll come by and pick you up at 5:30. Sounds good," he laughs awkwardly.

"Yep!" I try to make my voice sound normal but in reality I was freaking out.

"Awesome. I'll see ya soon than. Bye Sarah."

"BYE SARAH!!!!!" James voice came from the phone. I had to pull the phone away from my ear to keep from getting my ear drums shattered.

"Bye James. I'll see you both later!" With that I hung up the phone. What was James about to say? Was he lying?

I shrug as I gathered my clothes to take a shower. As the hot water relaxed my muscles, I thought about Dave. And the dinner tonight. Oh gosh. Dinner. With his family. Dinner with THE Francos!! Oh dear. I got out and wrapped a towel around my body as I tried not to freak out.

I was about to meet the Francos tonight. Oh no. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm just a freaky girl with a messed up past and should actually be in a mental hospital. Well I am but still...... Oh gosh, I think I'm going to have a heart attack.

Got Ran Over By Dave FrancoWhere stories live. Discover now