1. Nightmares

259 19 5

(20/06/16 - 21/0616)

Stood near the cliff's edge, the enraged man clad in bronze armor battled the gargantuan obsidian beast flying dauntingly through the air above him.

Around them, noises similar to their own battle's could be heard. Metal shields scraping against razor talons. Fire swallowing the oxygen and burning its intended target. The sound of string being released as arrows flew out of bows.

All for nothing.

Forces were being overwhelmed. Arrows running out. The death count was tragically unthinkable. It was too strenuous, the soldiers fought less and less, too tired to go on.

The Fate Fighters were going to die.

The dragon came down at him and slashed at the knight before the man could take out his sword. The beast tore through his armour and body, pushing him back with the powerful beating if his wings.

As the young knight tumbled downhill, the helmet he wore slipped off his head and revealed a bloody, bruised face. A familiar face.

The young man muttered almost incoherently, 'That's what she meant... "The blood of the dragon will be spilled, but it is up to you to pick the right one".'

I shot up in bed,  the deafening screams if death still ringing in my ears as if shells crashing down around me.  Clutching my firmly chest,  attempting to ease my franticly beating heart,  I looked up to the picture hanging on the wall across my bed.

My father,  Darren,  holding my mother , Adrianna,  to his side,  smiling down at me,  almost at if reassuring me that everything was fine. That it was just a dream.


Stumbling out of bed, managing to get tangled with my navy blue blanket in the process, and into my bathroom I ran my hand through my bronze hair, soaked in sweat. Trying to erase the feeling of thick, drying blood coating my body.

As I stared back at my green eyes in the mirror, I repeatedly told myself the mantra I came up with since these dreams began on my birthday.

"Nothing real Alex, Dragons don't exist, you're not a knight, your family is all here."

No it isn't... Your parents are dead.

The small voice in the back of my head, the one full of contempt and resentment towards my place in life, always tempting me with I'll conceived thoughts reminded me of what my guardians, Aunt Kiara and my Uncle Archie, had told me months ago on my sixteenth birthday.

I woke up with two faces in front of me. One female with soft, friendly features, brown hair and green eyes. Another male with large, black square glasses surrounding friendly brown eyes and bronze hair like mine.

"Happy birthday, Kiddo!" my aunt shrieked on the top of her lungs with excitement.

"Now Kiara, Alex isn't a kid anymore. He's sixteen, almost a man!" Archie smiles with a proud light in his eyes.

Only then I remember that it's my birthday. I shot up in bed, grinning like an idiot and hugged them. It was one of those rare days of the year where I actually enjoyed myself. Where everything wasn't black, white and grey with the unfair world around us.

"We made you your favourite breakfast, Alexander!" Kiara squeals.

"But before that, you need to get the talk." Arch smirks.

Good Lord, if you exist save me now! I thought we were don't with this, I didn't need another uncomfortable, two hour explanation about the birds and the bees, I had thought. Thankfully, I was wrong.

"Not that talk, silly!" My aunt laughed again, I most likely had made a foul face considering where my thoughts were heading.

Her enthusiasm was so contagious, I couldn't help but to laugh along with her. Kiara was one of those rare, kind souls who would do anything in her power to help the poor man sitting in the curb with no home. Her charisma was irresistible, it would simply surround you and force you until you gave yourself up to it.

"Now, now, settle down," uncle Arch smirked again. His face turned serious and he looked at me. A face that would only show up when needed. When something bad happens, like...

"Our family is very... special, to say the least. We all have something very special inside of us that helps us find our destiny. And soon enough, you will find your own. And your fate will be the greatest. You will avenge all of your ancestors and do them proud!"

I remember ignoring what he had said, thinking to myself it was a weird way for my uncle to say, 'Hey, man! You're almost a grownup! Happy birthday!'.

But now, I seemed to understand what he meant. Even though, me dressed in medieval armour trying to kill an imaginary dragon then dying, uttering nonsense about blood being spilled didn't seem very good as a future.

Or sane.

Yeah, just what any guy wanted, to go crazy before they even turned seventeen. I don't even have a girlfriend. Jason's right, I am pathetic. For God's sake, I still have nightmares!

It would probably help if you stooped brooding all the time, moron.

Shut up.

As I got back in bed I looked at my alarm clock.

10:37 AM

"Crap!" I was going to be late to work in the ice cream shop. My shift started in less than a half hour.

Mary is so going to dock my pay.

Well, looks like college is out of the question, now.

Considering my Aunt and Uncle don't have enough money to send me to college, I have been working since my first day of high school. And my boss, Miss Mary, already said if I was late a third time, I would be fired.

God, sometimes I wish I didn't have a normal boss with normal expectations.

Mary always tells me to be punctual. Which is not my middle name.

Alexander Punctuatis Axel Beck, that would be funny.


See! Always brooding!

Tick, tock, the clock isn't a mock...

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