7: Darren and the Drakkon

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(12/07/16 - 15/07/16)

As we walked to the back of the house, where Mary had parked her red car before, I realised something was different. We were no longer in the small and messy little blue cottage I first saw, but a large, white mansion.

"Miss Mary's husband, Jaxson,  was a descendant of Kronos, which allowed him to travel through time. He made business in many time periods and helped scientific evolution so he was very wealthy.

After he died, Miss Mary couldn't bear to see the house he gave her as a wedding present. So when she is around she sees the small blue cottage she grew up in." Kiara explained to me.

I frowned. Miss Mary didn't like talking about her childhood, anytime we touched the subject in the ice cream shop she would always say, "Just be grateful, Alex. Remember, there will always be someone in a situation worse than yours."

"But Miss Mary is still in her late thirties, what happened to her husband? He couldn't have been much older than her." I ask.

We stop in front of my uncle's grey Chevy truck.

"Kronos was the father of the gods, and he was cast away to Tartarus be use he swallowed his children. Zeus was enraged to find that his father had another son, and not to mention worried that he might be immortal and take his place as King of the Gods.

That was actually why Kronos decided to seduce a mortal woman trapped in the Underworld. So he could have another son to put an edge on Zeus, hopefully distracting the gods enough so that he could escape his exile.

Fortunately, Zeus didn't fall for it. But unfortunately, his jealousy drove him to slaughter Darren and his children in front of Miss Mary in brutal ways."

I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just opened the door and sat in the car. What did uncle Arch mean, by brutal ways?

Did he torture them? Hang them? Slowly fry their brains with lightning?

Scenarios from horror movies my best friend Jason made me watch ran through my head.

In the corner of my eye, I watched Arch put my bike in the back.

Honestly, I didn't even remember it after all the information I was given today.

I was a descendant of End-Romeda, a dragon hunter. I was part of some big prophecy to kill a dragon and save the universe. Gods and monsters and everything in between are real.

I closed my eyes, hoping it would stop the overwhelming thoughts in my head. "Don't worry, Big Guy. Monsters aren't real." Aunt Kiara whispered as she tucked me into bed after some kids in first grade scared me with monster stories.

"Guys, today we will be learning about the mythical Roman gods," my third grade teacher beamed. "Would anyone care to tell me what mythical means?"

I shifted in the back seat, trying to get in a comfortable position without thinking of anything.

"Alex? Are you alright, baby?" Kiara's soft voice called from the front of the truck.

"Fine, just tired. I didn't get much sleep last night." I lied. Actually I woke up late. I bit my tougue so I wouldn't say that. I hated lying to my family.

"How about you catch some sleep, son. We'll wake you up when we get home." Archie said.

I nodded, not feeling like talking, and closed my eyes again.

This time, image of being pestered by my thoughts, I fell asleep.

I was driving a car late at night with a black haired woman next to me and an English Bulldog in the backseat.

Her hair was fallen over her face so her features were hidden, but I had the feeling she was beautiful.

The dog barked in the back and I reached my rig had out to him while keeping and eye on the road. "Quiet Max, we don't want to wake Adriana up."

Max slightly bit my hand and whimpered. I turned around to see what had disturbed him.

I was shocked to see a long, jagged scar running down my arm instead of the usual plain arm.

Suddenly, Max lunged forward towards my face. I pushed him away towards the back and he growled. I saw that he was ready to lunge again, so I braced myself.

Before he could leap, glass exploded everywhere and the ar had slammed back. I have forgotten I was driving.

The woman next to me, Adriana, was screaming something while pointing. A drakon. They were children if the dragons. They were just as dangerous ask dragons themselves, except they couldn't breath fire. And they feed on blood.

"Your time has come, Dromedus." It hissed with a sinister voice.

"No! My son, Alex, he's not even a year old!" I shouted. No, my father, shouted.

The beastling laughed. "Your Mother-Queen End-Romeda didn't care about Axilux not being to raise his child, so why should he Beast-King care about you raising yours?"

It laughed again and pointed one, bony and  black claw that matched the colour of his scales at Max. "You can thank the dog for telling us where you are. I love chimæra. "

He lunged forward and grabbed the shrieking Adriana. Darren reached for the dagger he kept hidden under the dashboard only to find it wasn't there.

He looked around desperately to try to find something to save his beloved wife. By it was too late. The beastling bent his neck towards her, revealing a gruesome scar starting at his chin and ending at his hind legs, and swallowed her in a big gulp.


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