18: Axilux and Sides

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(08-02-17 - )


Wake up, Alex...

My eyes fluttered open, revealing a bright light shining directly in my eyes. The stinging sensation added to the throbbing pain on the side of my head caused me to close my ryes and let out a weary groan.

"Where the hell am I?" I attempted to ask to the voice, yet my voice came out dry and scratchy, as if I had lived centuries without any water.

This voice chuckled, and now with my growing consciousness, I could tell it was a man.

"No, Alexander, I am not a man. I am a male." The male chuckled again.

I groaned. I honestly didn't care what the 'male' chose to label himself as. Once again, fate proved t me that I couldn't trust anyone, and if the facts that the side of my head was pounding due to the no-so-friendly encounter with a baseball bat wasn't enough, I had no idea where I was or what was going on with my life anymore. I had no control.

"Well, you clearly aren't in a good mood. I warned Chlöe that she shoudn't have been rash, but no... She had to go ahead and swear her allegianace to a drained deity and ruin our good graces with the Dragonslayer."

I groaned again. I didn't care. All I wanted was to wake up and realise that this was all a twisted dream and that I wasn't in a horrible situation such as this one.

"You know what, fine. I get it, you didn't ask for this, you don't know who to trust and its been a matter of what, three days in which you've been running around doing what you were told to do in a world you didn't even believe in, and now you just woken up and don't understand what is happening.

"All I ask is that you give us a chance. You listened to Mariana and Apollo, and you trusted our allies, to Artemis and Mars. Now listen to us. Please."

"Then tell me who you are," I didn't know where that came from, and it was the last of the concerns in my mind currently, yet I just bargained what he wanted for a miniscule and meaningless question like that.

"I, dear Dragonslayer," All I could see through my squinted eyes was the growing grin in his face. "Am Axilux."


It took a while, but eventually I was able to open my eyes without them burning again the bright light unfortunately positioned right above me and my head repeatedly throbbing so profoundly that I barely managed to say conscious.

I slowly sat up, taking in the room around me.

Sterile, basic walls peer down at me, every couple if tiles bearing an insignia of sorts. Everything was as white as an unused canvas, waiting to be painted on. The smell of antiseptic hung in the air, dulling my already suffering senses.

The twisted choir of beeping from machines and the humming of a fan turning from side to side in the spacious room added an aura of sullenness.

Rows after rows of hospital beds like mine lined up against each side of the wall, making me curious why the organisation the male was talking about needed so much hospital space.


That was his name.

"Hello?" I called out, wanting to know what was happening.

I could hear the clicking of heels coming from the other side of the blurred glass door, coming closer and closer, as evident as the sound of a shell dropping from the sky on a quiet day.

The golden handle turned and the door opened to reveal...

The End.

Unfortunately I will be putting this story permanently on hold.

This doesn't mean you can steal my plot, ideas or characters.

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