2. Elevators Grow Olives

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(22/06/16 -23/06/16 )

Having only three minutes to spare, I threw on a random pair of shorts and a shirt, put on my sneakers, grabbed a granola bar and my bike and headed out.

One of the downsides of living in Florida, the sunshine state, was the blistering heat of the summer that made you wish you lived in Alaska.

Thankfully, I worked in an ice cream shop with a boss that gave me free ice cream on breaks. If I wasn't late. And if I managed yo smile at least at one of the customers.

As I raced through the streets of Sandy Beaches, my hometown, I realized how crazy I looked.

I was tall slightly muscular, teenager cycling like a maniac through a city while wearing a neon blue shirt, black and grey shorts, with my bronze hair was all over the place.

That settled it, Mary was going to have a heart attack when she saw me. Or rather, when she saw a sweaty, neon monster at her shop's door.

I managed to make it to the mall that held her shop earlier that usual with just minutes to spare according to the large clock in the front entrance, it was never right but Mary refused to disagree with it.


I had two minutes to get to the shop on the third floor.

I ran inside, bumping into everything and anything that could slow me down.

Little girls in fairy costumes, business men that wanted to murder me, and old ladies playing bingo on their phones.

But somehow, a miracle from heaven found me. An elevator was open.

I felt as if I was a chocoholic that ate chocolate for the first time in centuries.

I ran inside just as the doors were closing.

"Thank God." I mumbled, breathing a sigh of relief as a crouched and laid my head in my lap. For the first time in forever, something good happened. It almost felt too good to be true.

"Which one?" someone asked.

I froze, I was alone when I walked in, I was sure of it.

I looked up and all I saw was miles and miles of olive trees. And a humongous man. His hair was a deep brown color and his eyes a dull hazel. Even though he wore a blue dress-like tunic, he was still pretty scary.

I start to answer but then I realize there are bigger things to worry about now, like whether he was going to murder me or not. "W-where am I? H-how did I get here?"

The man frowns, "You're in Athens, boy. Did you hit your head or are you a lost foreigner. That would explain your strange clothing. But be warned, barbarians are rarely welcome"

"A-athens?" I swallow, trying not to seem a threat or a 'barbarian'. "N-not Athens, Greece, r-right?" I start hyperventilating.

This can't be happening. It must be a weird dream, probably like the dragon one.

"Yes, boy. Where are you from. Another city-state? I can help you find your way. If you don't tell me, you're wasting my time." the large, muscled man crosses his arms.

"I'm from Florida! I have no idea how I got here!" I shout in despair, my utter horror of being in another continent halfway around the world snaps the fear out of me.

There is no way I can be in Greece. No way.

"Florida? Where is that?"

Are Greeks ignorant Of Disneyworld and Orlando? Or do they just go to Disneyland Paris. No. There had to be some sort of explanation. Maybe uncle Arch...

No. Enough Alexander. Breath. Be calm.

"United States of America? You know, land of the free?" He needs to know this.

He frowns. "Boy, are you sure you didn't hit your head. I never hear of any 'United States of Alarica."

"Not Alarica! America! Wait! This is the twenty first century, correct?" He never heard of America! That can't be possible. Unless...

"Twenty what? Feet away from something?"

No. No no no no no. No! NO! "NO! THIS CAN'T BE!"

Just as I finish shouting, a large, intimidating shadow comes over me and the man.

"N-no!" the once intimidating man whimpers. "I-I'm just a s-simple olive farmer. I've done n-no sin against you."

I look up to see who, or what he was talking to, but before I can comprehend my vision, a female voice enters my mind and takes away my focus singing a sweet melody and calming me.

Sleep. She orders.

And so I did, upset that the beautiful song had stopped.

And as her singing resumes. I feel a smile climb into my face.


I awoke with someone shaking my arm gently. It seemed like I had slept for a hundred years.

Ironic since I had a strangely different dream that I was in ancient Greece.

Wait. That wasn't a dream. I was in an elevator then...

My eyes shot open and I looked around franticly.

A dark haired man with starling blue eyes. He has a fedora and almond suit with a guitar case. He looked like one of the performers that played for money next to the shops to attract attention.

Behind him, stood my petite boss, Miss Mary. All five foot nothing, blond and her eyes swirling to unimaginable colors, she looked as terrifying as ever.

"Are you alright, kid?" he asked. "Someone found you knocked out in the elevator five minutes ago, we just got you to wake up."

I looked around. "Are we in America."

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Yes, why?"

"Is this 2016?"

His eyebrows shot up. "Yes. Why?"

I stood up, stumbling a bit. "What happened to the blue eyed woman?"

He paused and grabbed my arm, "I think you need to come with us."

I looked nervously between the guy and Miss Mary. Between the two of them, they could turn me into a pancake. Or just Miss Mary alone.

"W-where are you taking me?" I was way too young to die. Only sixteen. I only kissed a girl once for goodness sake.

C'mon, moron. That didn't count. You were playin' truth or dare for gods' sake.

Shut up, brain.

What ever you say, little girl...

"Relax, Alex." Mary said, still dragging me and breaking me out of my trance, making me realise how tense I was- more than usual. "

We're here to help you. Call your uncle and aunt. Tell them I said that it's time."

I wanted to question what she meant by 'It's time' but by the hard look in her face, I knew I was better off not asking.

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