13: Earthworm Holes

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Please Check out Melody66723 book titled "Bullying" and make a reading list titled "Priorities" to contain books about similar subjects. Please remember that if you do find a bully, don't harass them. Don't stoop to their level. I'm tagging camsings and reeselanz on this.

(25/08/16 - 08/09/16)

The hunters, which had reduced to a small group of four girls, burst out laughing when Jason walked out of the elevator and into the garage.

After five minutes of me screaming my questions at them and getting no answers in response, I gave up and walked to the elevator with the others in trail.

Luckily, on the way to Mars' private underground parking garage, no one tried to get in, he really liked cars apparently. So there was no need to explain why a seriously pissed off teen was hitching a ride with two male psychopaths wearing armor with weapons straped all over their body and a terrifying female with a bow and arrows.

"What in the actuall hell is he wearing, though?" The brunette with glasses, Cassandra, managed to choke out while attempting to sober.

Jason let out a low growl, "Bite it, or lose it." His hand went to his hid where the hilt if his sword lay. As soon as he touched it, five golden bows were pointed to him with extremely sharp arrows waiting to be released.

His hand immediately let go of the sword and he raised it with his left one up in the air, a show of surrender.

"Girls," Artemis tsked at them. "You know better than to be scared of a weaker opponent. It's obvious he was threatened and wanted to turn the tables. All men are like that."

That irked me and I could tell it didn't help Jason's mood at all as he lowered his hands, clenching them into fists. Yet, we did nothing. There was no reason for us to get them riled again. That would most likely end with our brains pinned on the wall with arrows. Or worse. Their-

"Why isn't the Dragonslayer," One of the hunters said mockingly while using air quotations, "using and armor?" She had dark skin and curly brown hair. She reminded me of my friend Jordan, who moved to Gorgia years ago in middle school. He never hear from her again.

"Because he needs to learn how to summon them by himself. I refuse to spend my time trying to enlighten him on something that should be reflex. Mariana unfortunantly corrupted his family and they left him for ignorant."

"How can it be reflex for a human to make things appear out of thin air?" I mumbled under my breath.

"Wow, you are ignorant. You aren't human, idiot. Your-"

"Enough Haley." Artemis cut her off.

You aren't human...

No. Don't worry about that right now. Remember that you have to go to a foreign country and ocean away and help fulfil an incomplete prophecy.

I seriously here you, brain. You suck.

"Enough with the chit-chat," Mars whined like a toddler, bouncing on the balls of his feet. "Let's go."

"How are we going to get there?" I asked.

Haley smirked, "My favourite mode of transportation. Earthworm Holes."


We stood in front of a giant 'portal' of swirling black and purple light, inside the garage. It looked like something from a sci-fi movie.

"Eartholes were created by the gods after they heard of man's idea of a wormhole," Cassandra explained with a strange glimmer in her eyes.

"They can take you anywhere you want as long as there is another one in your destination. Now, the first two up are Haley and I, then Sumeria and m'lady. After that it's Lord Mars and Smiley-Goon. Last but not least, our... Beloved Chloë and Alex the Ignorant. Any questions?"

What is it with those girls and the insults?

"Yes, why am I-" Chloë started to ask.

"Great! Now Let's go!" She grabbed Haley's arm and jumped through the portal yelling "Colluseum," but not before winking at Chloë.

The grey eyed brunette stood there and stuttered while the others went along with their partners through the portal, all yelling our desired destination.

"Y-you Pig!" She screeched after Mars and Jason left, leaving only us two behind.

"Wow, great insult. And perfect timing." I let out a low, appreciative whistle just to annoy her even more.

"Shut up, boy," She hissed, yet failing to hide the blush in her cheeks.

I sighed, "Sorry, we got off on the wrong foot. Nice to meet you Chloë, I'm Alex." I stuck out my hand, waiting for her to shake it.

She looked at it then looked at me. "No. No. We are not getting ourselves acquainted. This is a strictly 'You-Help-Me-And-I-Help-You' relationship, understood."

"No... How are you helping me and how do I help you?"

"I-I don't know yet," she whispered. "But enough with the talking! Let's go!" She yelled grabbing my wrist before I could ask anything else.


"Colusseum!" We both yelled and I was sucked into the unknown.

To be continued...

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