15: Darkness and Bindings

21 3 0

(12/10/16 - 05/11/16)
Will be edited

"Alex! Wait! Don't go down there!" I heard Chloë yell behind me. But her voice now was nothing more than a long-forgotten whisper, buzzing in the back of my mind.

I tried to stop, to think about what I was doing, yet I couldn't. That overwhelming sensation to keep going, to never stop, was corrupting my body. Forcing it to walk deeper and deeper into the catacombs.

Each step I took further into the grey, dull hallway, I felt less like myself and more like someone else. I no longer controlled my body and it's movements.

My armour slowly disappeared; being replaced by an old-fashioned, black linen shirt. rough brown cotton trousers and leather boots.

Dragon-Blood was the last to go. I could feel it struggling to stay with me, somehow the sword and I had forged a connection. Empathy link.

I was beyond questioning what was happening and how I randomly knew things. All I could concentrate on was walking endlessly in the cold, barren hallways. Hearing nothing but my feet stepping on the rough, uneven floor and my own heavy breathing.

I didn't know how long I kept going like that. Hours, days, months, years. The concept of time and life had evaded me. I just needed to get to The End. It was a deep, primal need, and It gutted me; I knew I shouldn't be doing this on my own, but I didn't stop. Not even when my legs started aching, my breathing became shallower and a heavy weight began to push down on the shoulders.

Just as I was about to collapse, I found myself in a large room filled with rusted armor and weaponry, blood splattered on the walls, and a dark, pulsing orb surrounded by a Beast.



I stepped forwards, reaching out- yet I couldn't handle it anymore, my body was too tired; the catacombs had swallowed me.

And so the world went dark once more.


Here beast and man become the same and love along with light are forgotten

Rage and hatred will rule
Good will be dispensed
As the source is drawn closer
He will lose himself in no hopes of self preservation


I paused as I heard the dull, rasping voice that haunted me during my sleep, reciting the phrases I dreaded.

It was happening. And the rest of The Destined weren't there to stop it; Jason had managed to flee somehow with all his armor on, Artemis had chased after him, and the god of war was trying to summon the great battle tactics he held while he was still believed in and worshipped.

The Hunters would have no idea what to do, and even if they had miraculously heard the trees of Dodona being used through Axilux without a true tie to the prophecy, they would never follow me, a daughter of Nemesis, to battle.

I looked over to where the Cyclops had collapsed; the girls were scavenging his body for their arrows and other weaponry that had hit him before, yet was never retrieved. Haley had found a gladiator's helmet up his nose.

They seemed distracted enough that she could get away, but with gods having heightened senses, Mars would be a problem. The only reason Alex managed to go without notice was the euphoric feeling that had come along with the victory of their battle.

Picking up a broken arrow, I dipped it into the flame of a small fire caused by the Cyclops and walked over to Mars.

"C'mon, I'm the god of war for Zeus's sake. I have to know how to fight. I need to." The frustrated deity mumbled.

"Um, excuse me, Lord Mars... I think I should go down there, you know... Since Lady Artemis and Jason are taking a while-"

He let out a brusque laugh. "I know? I know! Do you have any idea why I prefer Mars over Ares?" He spoke his Greek name with disgust.


"As a Greek, I was portrayed as brazen and reckless. Undignified. The Romans respected me. I was given offerings in place of Athena; Minerva, I knew what I was doing.

"But them, it happened, again. After the Dragons became, and people no longer relied on us, even after they went rogue, the mighty Greek Gods became... Weak. And that's why even the respected gods went Roman. Yet, likely I said, it happened again.

"I know you what you are asking for, I heard that wretched voice. So, I ask you for one thing and one thing only. Take me with you, and make me great again, for a daughter of revenge itself can understand that I need to be avenged. The fates must pay."

I stare at him, never expecting something so deep and remorseful to come out of a thick headed god of calamity.

"Alright, my lord. I bind myself to our deal." I say out loud before I can think this through.

A rueful grin makes its way on his handsome face. "And in return, I claim thee as my servant, until the universe can making us part."

And the familiar burning makes it's way through my bicep, eventually settling into the symbol of Mars. A black circle with an arrow coming out, also the symbol masculinity. For the first time ever, I was bound to a male diety.

C'mon Chlö, can't be much different than being bound to a goddess.

Yeah, I should know since I always gt myself into something like this. Must have done something in a past life and mom's doing here job. After all, she said, "A true child of mine understands the affect revenge has on a soul, so you are my child."

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