~Chapter 9~

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POV: Ari
We were gathered in Miyuki's kitchen, preparing the meal. Miyuki's was doing the actual cooking, Kirito was setting the table, and I was going to clean up afterwards. "Are you done cooking yet Miyuki~?" groaned a drooling Kirito. I giggled and sniffed the air, now drooling as well. "Ooooooo that smells goooooood..." I said, walking closer and about to use my finger to taste it but Miyuki slapped my hand away. "You'll get a taste of it soon enough." Miyuki stated, narrowing her eyes. "Aw, ok." I whined like a little kid. She just laughed and continued cooking. "Aaannnndddd DONE!" she exclaimed, an accomplished look on her face. "Kirito, did you set the table?" Miyuki asked, looking into his onyx eyes. "I umm..." he stutters. Then he presses a few buttons on his menu and the table is set, "yup!" he finishes. We all break out laughing and Miyuki puts the food on the table. "Ragout Rabbit Stew!" she shouts, putting her hands on her hips. The three of us sit at the table and eat the delicious dinner.

~Time Skip~

We finish dinner and I clean up the mess we made. "*yawn* I'm gonna go to my room and get some rest. You two should go and do the same." Miyuki said, heading into her bedroom. "Miyuki?" I ask, stopping her in her tracks. "Yeah Ari?" she questions, not turning around. "Could the three of us go to the Forest Of Wanderings again tomorrow?" I plead. "Sure. Night guys." Miyuki responds, walking into her room and closing the door. "Night Kirito! Come here tomorrow at ... hmm... you know what, I'll message you." I said to him, smiling. "Ok, night Ari." he replied, exiting the house.

~The Next Day~

POV: Miyuki

I woke up, yawning and put on my armor. Then, I went out to the kitchen to see that Ari forgot to clean up after dinner. "Uugghh ...ARI!!" I yell to my friend. No response. I march to her room and shout into her ear, "ARI YOU FORGOT TO CLEAN UP AFTER DINNER LAST NIGHT!". She shrieks and bolts up from her bed. "EEK! JOHANNA DON'T KILL ME!" Ari shouts as she sits up. "Who's Johanna?" I ask curiously.
"Oh, it was just a dream. I had a dream where we were in another world where we went to school together in 7th grade and wore uniforms. And we were in a friend group and a girl named Johanna didn't like hugs and I hugged her then I was running away" my bestie explained. "Ok...? Well you go clean up from dinner, then we can go out to breakfast and meet Kirito there, ok?" I suggest. "Sounds good to me!" Ari exclaims with a thumbs up.
She requips into her armor and we head out of her bedroom. Ari begins cleaning and I message Kirito telling him where to meet us and when. He messages back a few minutes later telling me he's ok with that. "Finished!" Ari shouts from behind me and I jump. "AH! ARI YOU SCARED ME!!" I yell. "MEEP! Sorry..." she replies with a guilty look on her face. "Oh it's alright, just don't give me that look!" I state and give her a side hug. "Let's go to the restaurant and get some food I'm hungry!" I exclaim in unison with ARI. We both laugh and head to the breakfast place.

Word Count: 560

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