Ch 2 Secrets and Tears

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I sighed as I dropped my bag filled with my gym clothes and flopped on the couch.I had promised myself to get better at gymnastics but damn it it has been a sore and long journey.I looked at my phone and thought about texting Mitch.What if he didn't want to talk to me?What if I was annoying him?I mentally slapped myself for being nervous and picked up the phone quickly and started to type away to him.

Hey Mitch :) -Manda

Hey bby girl.How's your sore muscles?

Eh.A little better,anyway what are you doing? -Manda

Nothing much just hanging out with the guys,if you'd like you could come over

I squealed loudly into my pillow and tried to calm the heat that was making it's way onto my face.I calmed myself then picked the phone back up to reply.

Sure.I'll be over in a bit.I just have to shower and stuff -Manda

Mind if I join ;)

I blushed harder and managed to type back a reply.

Only in your dreams -Manda

More like in my dreams....


I quickly pulled my hair back into a ponytail and a looked at myself in the mirror.My wavy blonde hair hung over my shoulders and my shorts were slightly bleeched.I had black sneakers on my feet with a matching black t-shirt.I straightened it out slightly to make myself look presentable.Will he like it?I sighed loudly and slapped myself mentally.It doesn't matter what he thinks Amanda!He's just your best friend it doesn't matter how you look around him!I grabbed my keys and walked outside the door and opened my car as I drove off to the TC house.


I knocked softly on the front door and a couple minutes later the door opened to revel Mitch in a red button up shirt and skinny jeans that complimented him very well.He smiled at me brightly and I quickly returned it."Come on in!We're just playing some games."He said as he stepped out of the way so I could get in.I stepped in and all the guys greeted me."Hey Manda nice to see you!"Jerome called out with a smile.I waved softly and sat around the table of chairs with the guys."So what are we doing?"I asked as I looked around the circle."We put some secrets in the jar in the middle.No one will know who is it and when it's about them they have to read it out loud."Adam said with a smile.Jerome nudged Mitch then whispered something in his ear.His face went red and he pushed Jerome playfully.I rose an eyebrow and shook it off."Okay everyone put something you know about Amanda in the jar."Adam said as he pulled out slips of paper and a pencil.I blushed softly as I remembered everything I've told the guys and watched as they scribbled down on the papers.One by one they put the slips into the jars and the game resumed."Okay I'm going to pull a paper out and see who it's about."Adam said pushing his hand into the jar.He pulled out a slip of paper and smiled.He looked at me and handed the piece of paper to me.I widened my eyes and pulled the paper from him slowly.I opened the paper and blushed at what I saw.

Amanda has a crush on Mitch.

"I'm not reading this outloud."I said quickly."Aw come on it can't be that bad."Jerome said looking at me with a smirk and I knew he was the one who wrote it down."Fine then I'll read it."Ty said as he pulled the piece of paper from my hand."N-no!I-it's not even t-true!"I squeaked out as I tried to pull it away from him."Amanda has a crush on Mitch."Ty said with a giggle."N-no I d-don't!Thats just Jerome trying to embarrass me!"I said quickly as I pulled the paper away."Sure he did."Adam said with a laugh.I turned bright red from both embarrassment and anger.Jerome was dead.


"What the hell is wrong with you!"I whisper screamed out as I shoved Jerome into the wall."Come on you know I was joking."He said with a sly smile."Jerome I told you that because I trusted you!"I said with a deep growl."It's fine!No one actually believes it!"He replied back."Then what were you whispering to Mitch?"He went quiet for a moment and shook his head."I can't tell you."He said just a bit lower then a whisper."Whatever.Fuck you."I said angrily as I stomped away and to the front door.I had my hand on the door knob and felt a hand on my shoulder."What part of fuck you do you not-"I turned around to notice it wasn't Jerome but instead Mitch."Oh sorry Mitch."I muttered softy."Leaving?"I nodded at him and he went serious."Look I know what Jerome did made you upset but we both know it was a joke.Were still friends right"He asked as he smiled softly."Yeah of course we are."I said smiling back trying to hide the hurt."I'll see you tomorrow Amanda.Sorry about tonight,again."He said opening the door for me."It's okay...Cya tomorrow."I said with a painful smile.I walked out the door and into my car and angrily slammed my fist against the horn.

The small chance I could be with Mitch as ruined by Jerome!

I bit down on my bottom lip in a attempt to not cry and finally started the car to go back to my house.


I walked into the house and pulled my clothes off angrily and locked myself into the bathroom and cried.Fuck Jerome.Fuck Mitch.Fuck me for ever meeting him.


Not the best ending for a chapter but hey

Hope you like it :)

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