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POV: Amanda

I yawned softly as the sun went through the window blinds and into my eyes. I groaned softly and covered my eyes with my hand. I moved slowly but smirked when I saw Mitch still passed out and snoring softy. I moved slowly as I tried to get out of his grip to get up to make breakfast but failed when I heard him grumble and pull me closer to him. I sighed and flicked his forehead to wake him up. He jumped slightly and let out a sigh of relief when he realized it was me. "Good morning." He mumbled out. "Morning." I said smiling at him. He stretched his arms out and yawned. He loosened his grip on me and I stood up and stretched out my limbs. Mitch stood up after me and yawned loudly. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on top of my head. I sighed happily and put my hands on top of his, leaning my back more against him. He let go of me and walked away to down the stairs with me trailing behind him. "Whatcha want to eat?" Mitch asked going through the cabinets. "What ever you like." I said sitting down at the table and resting my head on my arms. He hummed and grabbed the box of pancake mix and a pan. "Want chocolate chips with them?" I shook my head and he poured the mix into the pan. He sprinkled the chocolate chips into his pancake and left mine bare. I watched him bake them for a couple of minutes before he finally was done with them and placed mine on a plate. "M'lady." He said handing me the syrup bottle. I giggled and rolled my eyes. I poured a generous amount on to it and handed it over to Mitch. He did the same to his and we both sat down at the table and started to eat them happily. "So... Is this a thing?" I asked taking another bite of my pancake. He smiled at me and grabbed my hand with his. "Of course, I mean if you want it to be..." He said with blush covering his face. I smiled back and squeezed his hand. "Why wouldn't I want it to be? Shouldn't be tackling you be enough of a sign?" He giggled in response and took the last bite of his pancake. He stood up from the seat and picked up his plate. He let go of my hand and kissed the top of my head then put his plate into the sink. "Jeez you eat slow." He said giggling as he leaned on his elbows on the table. "Oh hush I've been talking to you the whole time." I said with a mouth full of pancake. He laughed again and sat back down. After a couple of minutes I finally finished my pancake. "So, what do you want to do today?" I said looking over to Mitch. He thought for a moment then finally replied. "Let's go to the park to try and reenact the fail of a picnic we had last time." He said with a soft snort. I smiled and nodded. "Okay, but could you give me a quick ride to my house so I can shower and change clothes." I said as I stood up with a stretch.

---Timeskip to when she's ready---

Ughhhh do I look okay? I mean this is technically my first date so I need to look good.

I fixed my hair constantly and pulled my plain white shirt down more. I sighed as I was finally satisfied with my look. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and texted Mitch quickly.

Hey I'm ready. Are you? -Manda

Not even a minute later my phone buzzed in my pocket again.

Yup! I'll be over in a bit.

I shoved my phone back into my pocket and walked towards the door to pull on my simple white flip flops. I waited by looking out the window for a couple of minutes until finally his car pulled up. I saw him wave from the car window and waved back with a small smile. I walked over to the passenger seat and sat down with a smile. "Hey." I said looking over at him. "Hey beautiful." I blushed and covered my face slightly so he couldn't see it. While driving I caught a glance at Mitch's outfit. A button up black shirt with a pair of skinny jeans with matching black Vans. "Enjoy staring?" Mitch said finally noticing me. "Uh yeah wait no I meant uh-." I looked down at my feet and faceplamed with blush on my cheeks. He laughed and placed a hand on my leg. "It's okay. It's really cute actually." I blushed even more at his words and grabbed his hand and held it in mine. The car came to a stop and looked outside the window to look at the park. I opened my door and stepped out to look around. The trees were swaying slightly from the gust of wind and the grass was freshly cut. "It's a perfect day to be outside." I said looking around even more. He grabbed my hand in his and walked me under a tree to set up everything. He laid the blanket out and set the food down onto the blanket. Strawberries, salad, sandwiches and two water bottles. "Sorry it's not very spectacular but I just wanted to at least try to get some sort of date out of this." He said sitting down on the blanket. He patted a spot next to him and motioned me over to sit. I happily sat down next to him and allowed him to put an arm around me. I grabbed a strawberry and smirked when I got an idea. I turned toward him and pressed the strawberry to his mouth. "Open." I said trying not to giggle. He raised an eyebrow but opened his mouth anyway. I pushed it forward a bit and finally giggled. "Bite." He bit down on it softly and smiled at me with a soft giggle. Hr grabbed the other half of the strawberry from my hand and did the same to me. "Open." I opened my mouth and giggled uncontrollably. "Bite." He said giggling along with me. We did this back and fourth for a bit before finally moving onto eating the salad. After finishing it we both picked up the sandwiches and chewed slowly. "Mitch?" I said after a couple moments of silence. "Yeah?" He replied swallowing his sandwich. "Everytime I'm with you it's always nice. I mean when I'm with the guys it doesn't feel like that. It feels...chaotic, but it's calm with you." I said chewing my sandwich every so often. He looked at me with a huge smile and put his finger under my chin. "I love you." He said pressing his lips against mine gently. Once he pulled away I felt myself go a little disappointed not feeling his lips on mine. "I love you too." I whispered back. He smiled at me with his eyes gleaming slightly from the sun. "When would you like to go back?" He asked holding me closer. "Maybe soon? I don't know I just really enjoy how warm you feel." I said snuggling closer to him. He sighed softly in content and wrapped his arms around my waist protectively. We sat there for a couple of minutes before I finally got ready to go. "Are you ready to go now Mitch?" I said moving my head to look up at him from his lap. "Yeah. I'm a little tired." He said with a soft smile. I stood up from his lap and stretched my arms. Mitch did the same after getting up from the blanket. He packed up everything in the basket and grabbed my hand in his again like earlier. He opened the passenger door for me and went around the other side to get into the drivers seat: He set the basket in the back seat and looked at me with a smile. "Today was amazing." I returned the smile and pecked a quick kiss on his cheek. "No. It was perfect. I know we haven't been together for even a week but, after all these years of knowing you I can honestly say I'm in love with you." I replied quietly. He leaned his forehead against mine and kissed my nose. "I love you so much, Amanda." He replied back just as quietly. "I love you even more, Mitch."


Ahhh I wasn't sure how to end this but I hope it wasn't too bad

Comment/Vote maybe?

I love you all so much!


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