Ch 8 Anger and Sadness

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POV: Mitch

I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing blared in my ear. I let out a loud groan and rubbed my eyes.

1 new message from Adam

Hey, get on Skype it's important. It said plainly. I stretched my arms and forced myself to finally get enough energy to get to my computer, and waiting for me was a Skype group with the entire TC crew in it.


POV: Amanda

I twiddled my thumbs as I stared at my phone setting on the edge of my bedside table.

Should I text him? Maybe he's not awake yet.

As if on queue my phone started to blast out my favorite song. I eagerly answered my phone as I saw Mitch's name on the screen. "Hello?" I said softly. "Hey." He said sounding tired as ever. "Is it okay if I come over?" He said a little happier. "Yeah that's okay, but are you alright?" I asked with worry overtaking my voice. "Yeah..well kinda.. I'll talk to you when I get there." He said flatly. "Cya soon"

"Cya." I said not wanting to end the call. Thankfully he did it for me. I got off the bed and moved into my closet to put something a little more sensible to wear. I pulled on a simple pair of white shorts and a black tanktop. To top the rest of the outfit off I put a simple black bow in my hair. After a couple of minutes of sitting on my bed and waiting I heard a soft knock from downstairs. I stood up from the bed and walked down the stairs and opened the door. "Hey Mitch-" I stopped my sentence halfway through when I saw he was staring at the ground. He walked into the house without a word and sat down on the couch as he continued to not make eye contact with me. I let out a soft sigh as I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder. "They kicked me out." He said plainly after a couple of minutes. I rose an eyebrow in confusion and he let out a loud sigh. "Jerome, Ty, Tyler, and Adam kicked me out of teamcrafted." He said sounding angry and sad at the same time.

"What? Why?"

"Doesn't matter." He snapped back in reply.

I let out a sigh and closed my eyes in frustration. "Okay. You know what? I'm going to get you tea if you calm the fuck down." He sent me a glare in return and shook his head. "Fine." I stood up from the couch and went into the kitchen.


After a couple of hours of calming down Mitch and talking I managed to get him to fall asleep in my lap. The brightness from the tv screen seemed to nearly blind me as I sat there trying to stay awake. As if on queue my phone buzzed from the side table. "Hello?" I said quietly as I tried not to wake Mitch up. "Hey Amanda it's Adam." I curled my lips in anger as his voice reached my ear. "What do you need?" I said trying not to scream at him or sound annoyed. "Nothing. I just have a question for you." He said, his voice going a bit quiet at the end. "What's up?" I said looking down at the sleeping form of Mitch and playing with his hair in between my fingers. "I want to know if you'd like to be apart of teamcrafted." My fingers tightened around Mitch's hair and I let out a frustrated sigh. "No I don't. It's digusting how you think I'd be in a group of people who made my boyfriend upset. Goodbye Adam." Right as I finished I hung up the phone and threw it back on the table. I felt Mitch's breath tickle my leg as he squinted up at me. "What just happened?" He said with a deep voice. I shook my head and kissed his forehead. "It's nothing. Go back to sleep. I love you." I said softly as I moved his body so I could lay down next to him.

"Wait but Amanda-"

"Goodnight Mitch."






No but really hey guys! I'm finally back after being gone for so long. School has just been taking up most of my time.

I will be updating more from now on though I promise

Love you guys!


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