Chapter 2 (Pic of Luka)

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  • Dedicated to My Mom, Who's Always Been There


Just before my face slams into the ground, cool arms envelope me and pull me up. Alek saved me.

"Whoa. You alright?" He doesn't move back.

"Um. Yeah. Thanks." I can barely stutter out single syllables. It's hard to think with his strong arms around me.

"Anytime." He grins and winks.

Luka is suddenly right next to him. His eyes turn darker and he growls.

Alek glares at him and sets me down. "See you around." He walks away and Luka never takes his eyes off him until he's out of sight.

"What the hell? What was that?" I'm so angry I can barely speak.

"Nothing. Let's go." He grabs my arm and drags me with him.

"Get off me!" I try to jerk my arm away but he won't let go and it's starting to hurt, really badly. That's going to bruise for sure.

Suddenly, he's gone and Alek is in his place.

"Hurry," He holds out his hand. I place mine is his, without a thought.

We're running, faster than I could've imagined. He slams into something and I trip. It's Luka, holding me, after he hurt me.

"Govno. Shit." Alek pushes him off me. They're snarling and rolling on the ground, smashing against car windows.

"Luka! Stop! STOP!" I scream.

I whip out my cell and dial Eric's number. He picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, I've been waiting for you to call." He sounds pleased, and excited.

"Oh God, Eric! You have to help me!" I scream into the phone

"Why? What's wrong? Where are you?" I can hear him starting his car.

"I'm in the school parking lot. Hurry!" I hang up the phone and continue hollering for the guys to stop.

Eric's car comes screeching into the lot, he jumps out and runs to me.

"What's going on? Are you hurt?" He checks me over for bruises. He stops at my right arm. There are purple blotches covering the entire surface.

"Who did this? I'll kill them." His lips curl into a snarl.

"Eric, you have to stop them! They'll kill each other!" I cry, pointing at Luka and Alek.

"Was it Luka? Did he do this to you?" He never looks away from my bruises.

"Please, we have to get out of here!" I'm desperate for him to take us away.

"I'll deal with him later. C'mon, I won't leave you." He pulls me into his car and pulls out of the school parking lot.

I bury my face in my hands. Tears are streaming down my face. It's all my fault, I should never have let Luka go after Alek.

Eric reaches over and rubs my back as I sob. He stops the car, gets out, and opens my door. He wraps his arms around me and carries me into his house.

He lays me down on the couch and walks away, into the kitchen. My shocked tears have stopped, replaced by fear, worry, and guilt.

Eric sets a cup of tea on the coffee table in front of me. He sits next to me and holds me. My eyelids become heavy and droopy. I struggle to keep them open but it's useless.

I'm almost asleep when I'm jolted out of Eric's arms by a knock on the door, but he's asleep. I unlock the door and open it.

"Go away." I slam the door but Luka jams his foot in before I can fully close it.

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