Chapter 3 (Pic of Alek)

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There are so many voices, so loud.

“She’s waking up. Cat?”

“Kitty? You hear me? Wake up, I’ve missed you.”

Lyubit? Love?”

I moan and open my eyes. There’s my sister, Genevieve, Eric, and Alek all staring at me like I’ve died and gone to heaven.

Genny kisses my forehead. “How you feeling sleepy head?”

“Okay, but my head really hurts.” I reach up to touch it and feel a big bandage is covering my forehead.

“Alek, give her the morphine, now.” She demands.

“Da.” He gives me a shot.

“Ouch.” I whine.

Izvinite. Sorry.” He apologizes and rubs my shoulder.

“Eric? What’s wrong?” I ask, he’s just standing there staring at me.

“You really scared me there, sweetheart.” He walks closer and grabs my hand, rubbing his thumb across the back of it.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to.” I sniffle.

“Don’t you dare say that. It was not your fault.” His thumb stops moving and his hand begins to quake in anger.

“He is right. It was that sooka Luka’s fault.” Alek growls.

Sooka?” I ask.

“Bad word.” He says with just a hint of a smile. "Bitch." he mouthes.

“Oh,” I nod.

“Hey, you hungry? Cause I’m starved.” Genny says and sits on the couch with me.

“Gen, I’ve really missed you. How’d you get here anyways? I thought you were honeymooning in Australia. Where is that sooka anyways?” As I say the last part Alek bursts into laughter.

“I told him i wanted to come alone. Look, I know you don’t like Jack, but he’s really great and if you’d give him a chance you’d know that.” She pleads and rubs my calf.

“I did and he blew it. Did you forget he cheated on you with your best friend? Or that he tried to make a pass at me too?” I clench my fists and Eric pulls his hand away.

“We’ll give you two a minute. C’mon bro.” Eric ushers Alek through the kitchen door.

“No I didn’t forget, I forgave.” She says.

“Why? What made you think that something like that is ok?” I asked. You deserve someone so much better, who really loves you.

“Look, I came here for you. To make sure you’re ok. Not to fight.” She runs her fingers through her hair.

“You’re right. I'm sorry. But I am so not finished with this convo.” I say.

“We can argue all you want later, but for now, are you ok? Really?” she asks, concern filling her eyes.

She always knew me better than anyone else.

“No…” I start to pick at my fingernails.

“Tell me, I’m here for you. Always,” She grabs my hand.

I tell her everything even the super embarrassing stuff. She never says a word, just nods here and there.

“And now I’m here. How did I get here anyways?” I ask and my eyebrows mush together.

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