Chapter 6 (Pic of Eric)

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  • Dedicated to Rachel Stockwell


I open my eyes. The first thing I see is the clouds, big puffy clouds surrounded by a light blue sky the color of Cat's eyes. Man, it's pretty out today.

I sit up and check out where I'm at. Wherever I am it's gorgeous. Wow.

I try to remember how I had gotten here but when I get close enough that I can just taste it, my head starts to pound. I push through it and an image reaches me.

"Cat!" I shout. Where the hell am I?

"Good. You're awake." I hear a voice. It sounds kinda like a man. But not.

"Who are you? Where am I? If Cat ok? I have to get to her!" I search for the owner of the voice but don't find anyone.

"I dont have all the answers." A man in his fifties steps around a tree and chuckles.

"Phillip! You're alive?" I ask, incredulous. I haven't seen Cat's father in years.

"Define alive." He smiles.

"Wait. If you're dead. Then that means... I am too. Oh no, Cat." I put my head in my hands.

"Yes, we are dead. But our souls are very much alive. Don't you see? We're in paradise." He spreads his arms out wide.

"But Phillip. Cat's in danger. We have to save her!" I stand and and jog closer to him, begging him to see reason.

"Eric, there is no way to save her from her fate. If it was meant to be, it will be." He pulls me in for a hug. "I'm glad you're here. You were always my favorite. I never liked Luka."

"There must be a way to go back. Phillip, Luka will kill Cat. You can't want that!" I shout and pull away from him.

"There is... Nevermind. You would have to talk to the Mother about such things."

"The Mother?"

"Eric, have you ever heard of Mother Nature?" He grins.

"Well yeah." I scrunch my eyebrows together.

"She's the maker of everything. She made you, me and even Luka." His lips tighten at Luka's name.

"Wait, I thought that was God." I shake my head.

"There is no god. If there were, The Mother would be it." He grabs my arm. "Understand?"

"Ok, but how will that help me get back to Cat?"

"Ask her." He shoves me toward a soft dirt path.

I turn to look back at him, but he's disappeared.

"Shit." I mutter and start walking down the path.

The path takes me through deep woods, and it gets dark fast. I start hearing animals and seeing shadows. I begin to run, afraid. I follow the pathway until it disappears into darkness. Then a purple mist leads me the rest of the way. 

 I trust this mist. It doesnt seem like it wants to hurt me, the opposite, really. It sort of reminds me of Cat. I sigh. God, Cat, I'm sorry.

I run throught the forest as fast as i can, struggling to keep up with it.

The trees start to thin and become more and more scarce.

My breaths start coming faster and I can feel my heart racing. My vision starts to blur and I can't tell where I'm going.

I trip over a fallen tree limb and dirt covers my face.

"Son of a bitch."  I groan and push myself up. I fucking lost the mist.

I begin to walk slowly forwar, careful of any fallen trees, and hope to see a light through the trees, signaling freedom.

"Come, Eric," The voice says. It's not deep per se but it isn't a woman's voice. It's not unnerving exactly, kinda comforting. 

 I instantly turned in the direction of the voice, it heads toward a break in the trees. Once I pass through it I see a clearing, pale green grass covered with wildflowers.

I really wish I knew where I was headed.

 "Eric, do not be afraid." A woman dressed in gold steps through the sunflowers. She holds her arms open as if to invite me to hug her. I do, I run forward and throw myself into her arms. I haven't a mother's touch in so long. Cat's parents and sister were the only people that treated me like family.


Years and years of orphanages and  foster care made me feel like I was never wanted, or loved. But here, in this woman's arms, I knew I was loved.

"I know you feel as if you must leave, but you may stay if you wish. You may do whatever you want. You may sleep on a warm bed when you become tired, eat the most exotic fruit when you are hungry. This may be your home, Eric." she hugs me tighter.

"I can't stay. You know I can't. I have to save my friend. She could die." I cry into her chest.

"You cannot change what is meant to be. If she is meant to die there, she will." Mother Nature pulls away from me but keeps a hand on my shoulder.

"You have to know everything. Is Cat really meant to be murdered by her vampire ex-boyfriend?" I shiver at the thought.

"No, Eric. She is not..." Her voice trails off.

"Then, let me save her. Please, I just need to know that she will be safe." I beg.

"There are ways to return to the human world." she begins.

"I will do anything." I nod my head.

"You may return as a newborn baby, begin a new life." She smiles.

"No, how can I help her if I'm an infant?" I grab her hand into both of mine.

"Well, you can return into your own body. It will not last. You may only stay there until it is completely rotton." She says.

"How long is that?" I ask.

"Just shy of two months."

"That's perfect. When can we start?"

Author's note: No! This chapter is not finished so do not freak! i just couldnt wait to publish it. Hang tight my Lovelies. :)

BTW- The pic on the side is Eric. Aint he cute? :)

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